
Week 9 Set b

home work!

Programming Language ISL

Due Date Wed at 9pm (Week 9)

Purpose To practice the design of functions on multi-recursive data definitions

Finger Exercises

Exercise 1 From HtDP, 324 and 325.

Graded Exercises

Exercise 2 Your friends and you decided to create a maze exploration software. In the spirit of iterative refinement, you have decided to start with a simple model of mazes. In this simplest form, rooms in the maze always contain a single object and have always four exits, though some of them might be blocked. Here is one way to represent this choice as data:
(define-struct room (object north east south west))
; A Room is a structure:
;    (make-room Symbol Exit Exit Exit Exit)
; An Exit is [Maybe Room], meaning it is one of:
;  #false
;  Room
; interpretation (make-room 'ax r1 r2 r3 r4) describes a room
; in a maze. The room contains an 'ax. Its Exits lead to four other
; rooms: r1, ..., r4, through the door to the north, east, south,
; west, respectively. If an Exit is #false, the door is locked.

To find out whether this representation can be easily processed, you have decided to design the function all-objects, which consumes a Room and produces the list of all objects it can find by traversing the entire maze.

Suggestion You may wish to use check-satisfied to formulate tests. See HtDP/2e for examples or consider this one:
; Number -> [Number -> Boolean]
; produce a function that checks whether some number is
; between 0 (inclusive) and n (exclusive)
(define (between-0-and n)
  (local (; Number -> Boolean
          ; is x between 0 (inclusive) and n (exclusive)
          (define (between x) (and (<= 0 x) (< x n))))
(check-satisfied (random 10) (between-0-and 10))