
Week 8 Set c

home work!

Programming Language ISL

Due Date Fri at 9pm (Week 8)

Purpose To exploit the use of existing abstractions in a real-world setting, namely, your chat client

Finger Exercises

This problem set does not come with finger exercises.

Graded Exercises

Exercise 1 Problem 1 of Week 7 Set a requested a broadening of the communication between your chat client and the server. Before proceeding, fix your solution in response to our feedback.

Once you have fixed all problems, it is time to exploit the existing abstractions from ISL. Use the higher-order functions (loops) from figures 91 and 92 where possible in your list-based chat client from Week 7 Set a.

Challenge If you would like to use syntactic loops, read the intermezzo at the end of part III of HtDP/2e, specifically the section on loops.

Grading The graders will accept either solution for the same number of points. The challenge is intended for those who wish to validate that they can already learn about abstractions in programming languages on their own.

Running the code in your definitions window may not open a big-bang window.