You must read the class blog on a daily basis -- we will use it to notify you of
things that need timely dissemination. See the BLOG tab on the left.
You may send Email to individuals on the teaching staff of the course. Note that we may post your mail message on the course blog if we think it is of general interest to the rest of the class, so if you want to ensure privacy, be sure to request it when you write us.
Name | Email @ |
Olin Shivers | shivers |
Marsette Vona | vona |
Amal Ahmed | amal |
Leena Razzaq | lrazzaq |
Phillip Mates | mates |
Ahmed Abdelmeged | mohsen |
Ryan Bigelow | rbigelow |
Nick Labich | labichn |
Phil Phuc Nguyen | pnguyen |
Tim Smith | smithtim |
Lori Monteleone | lmonte |
Tyler Aldrich | taldrich |
Andrew Barba | abarba |
Ryan Bigelow | rbigelow |
Dan Calacci | dcalacci |
Colin Clark | cclark |
David Corbett | dcorbett |
Chris Curreri | curreri |
Lahiru Dayananda | lahirud |
John Dowd | johndowd |
Julia Ebert | jtebert |
Joey Goode | jgoode |
Martha Hamlin | mlhamlin |
Alessandro Hamuche | hamuchea |
Eric Kelly | ekelly |
Mostafa Al Khonaizi | khonaimn |
Hudson Klebs | klebsh |
Nate Lilienthal | nathanl |
Becca MacKenzie | rmacnz |
Kevin Mclarnon | kevin08 |
Francis Nimick | fnimick |
Cory Paszul | cpaszul |
Tiffany Seeber | seebert |
Talia Swartz | tswartz |
Mohammad Al Yahya | mhmdfy |