| Important Messages from the Instructors
Sunday, December 2nd, 2012
Lab Quiz Amnesty
Monday, Dec 3rd will be a lab quiz amnesty day. You will be allowed to make up any one lab quiz
(in addition to Lab Quiz 10) during TA office hours. You can see your lab quiz grades by logging into the handin server here.
Sunday, December 2nd, 2012
Honors HW10h Clarification
HW10h (honors) has been updated. Exercise 4 (find-paths) now contains tests to clarify what output we expect your code to produce. Also, for RacketBot, we have provided a chat-server implementation so you can test your code.
Thursday, November 29th, 2012
TA Office Hours Swap
Phillip Mates and Lori Monteleone will be swapping office hours this week.
If you are planning to go see Phillip or Lori about exam 2 questions that
one of them graded, note that Phillip will be holding office hours on
Friday, Nov 30th, 4:30-6:30, while Lori will be holding office hours on
Sunday, Dec 2nd, 6-8pm.
Thursday, November 15th, 2012
HW11 Posted
HW11 (regular) is posted.
Wednesday, November 14th, 2012
Exam 2 : When/Where
Exam 2 will be held Monday, November 19th, 6pm-9pm.
Students in Profs. Ahmed and Vona's sections go to: 108 SN (Snell Engineering Center)
Students in Profs. Shivers and Razzaq's sections go to: 168 SN (Snell Engineering Center)
MAKE SURE you go to the right room.
Honors students: The honors supplement will only be available at 108 Snell Engineering Center.
Wednesday, November 14th, 2012
Review Session for Exam 2
Your TAs and tutors will be running review sessions for Exam 2 on Sunday, Nov 18th, 4pm-6pm, in the following locations:
For the regular-track sections (Profs. Shivers, Vona, Razzaq): 200 Richards Hall
For the honors-track section (Prof. Ahmed): 458 Richards Hall
Like last time, Your TAs/tutors will discuss answers to the sample exam (and honors supplement) that we posted on the blog
and answer questions. Come with questions!
Wednesday, November 14th, 2012
Sunday, November 11th, 2012
Honors HW9h Due Date
HW9h (honors) is due at 11:59pm on Tuesday, November 20th (not Nov. 21st as originally posted because the 21st is the first day of Thanksgiving break).
We suggest you start early. Keep in mind that exam 2 is on Nov. 19th (6pm to 9pm) and that Nov 20th is a Tuesday so there will be no office hours that day.
Tuesday, November 6th, 2012
Last Honors Homework Partner Switch
Assignment 9 (honors) should be done with your new homework partner.
Pairs are listed by husky names.
Let us know if your partner has dropped the class so we can find you a new partner.
Abidor, Eli + Sanborn, Samantha, abidor.e+sanborn.s
Ellis, Craig J. + Maxwell, Joseph S., ellis.cr+maxwell.jo
Rinaldi, Michael R. + Pomerantz, Calvin J., rinaldi.mi+pomerantz.c
Corrington, Kaila M. + Moran, Daniel W., corrington.k+moran.dan
Collins, Dylan + Cotton, Matthew, collins.dyl+cotton.m
Langsford, Trevyn J. + Singer, Matthew, langsford.t+singer.m
Winton, Ariel + Skala, Maxwell, skala.m+winton.a
Caunter, Andrew + Yang, Yang, caunter.a+yang.yan
Shtuhl, Nir + Larisch, James C., larisch.j+shtuhl.n
Oberstein, Jesse R., + Prabhakaran, Vishant, oberstein.j+prabhakaran s
Dimare, Christian + Cepko, Stefan, cepko.s+dimare.c
Moring, Dylan A., + Monterroso, Victor M., monterroso.v+moring.d
Alpert, Kyle H. + Taylor, Matthew, alpert.k+taylor.matth
Acquadro, Nicholas D. + Bini, Amanda, acquadro.n+bini.a
Devakul, Trithep + Baquerizo, Pricscilla, devakul.t+baquerizo.p
Zingher, David + Wrasman, Alaric, wrasman.a+zingher.d
Brown, Ryan + Caruso, William, caruso.w+brown.ry
Wright, Timothy J. + Youngren, Zachary, wright.ti+youngren.z
Chao, Tiffany L. + Horman, Jacquelyn, chao.ti+horman.j
Coda, Alexander + Otieno, Tevin M., otieno.t+coda.a
Freeley, Christopher M. + Wassall, Zachary, wassall.z+freeley.c
Gobron,Doug + Jones, Nicholas, jones.n+gobron.d
Macdonald, Lochlainn O. + Wetherby, Cody, macdonald.lo+wetherby.c
Kelly, Brian M. + Meyer, Kyle P. + Sniffin, Timothy R., sniffin.t+meyer.ky+kelly.bria
Friday, November 2nd, 2012
Slight update to HW9
There was a typo in HW9 Problem A1 part 4. Where it said all-int-squares it should have said all-int-results . This has been fixed now in the text of the assignment.
And for problem A2 part 2, note that there is a built-in case-insensitive string comparison function, in addition to the built-in case-sensitive string=? .
Friday, November 2nd, 2012
Last Homework Partner Switch (non-honors)
Assignment 9 should be done with your new homework partner.
Pairs are listed by husky names.
Let us know if your partner has dropped the class so we can find you a new partner.
Wang, Shiyu + Wu, Bomin, wang.shiyu+wu.b
Fillo, Matthew + Weaver, Ben, fillo.m+weaver.be
Webber, Timothy + Moore, Evan, moore.ev+webber.t
Hasanaj, Fiona + Manomivibul, Matthew, hasanaj.f+manomivibul.m
Basquez, Nichol + Lyver, Christopher, basquez.n+lyver.c
Barawid, Deion + Levine, Benjamin, barawid.d+levine.be
Wright, Steven + Singh, Bhavneet, wright.stev+singh.b
Lin, Hailu + Gao, Fenghao, gao.fen+lin.hai
Fan, Xiang + Yao, Jue, fan.x+yao.jue
Chadbourne, Michael + Freyre, Matthew, freyre.m+chadbourne.m
Deng, Bobby + Kim, Yvette, deng.bo+kim.yv
Lauture, Sanders + Kelly, John, lauture.s+kelly.john2
Golden, Conor + Kuffert, Christopher, golden.c+kuffert.c
Bailey, Alanna N. + Bond, Kenneth + bailey.al+bond.ke
Millstein, Mark B. + Cox, Brian A. + cox.b+millstein.ma
Ababio, Alfred B. + Moran, Brodey W., ababio.a+moran.br
Davis, Willa + Huang, Beatrice, davis.wil+huang.be
Oates, David E.+ Nguyen, Thao H., nguyen.thao3+oates.d
Cantlin, Dallas M. + Patel, Premal P., cantlin.d+patel.pre
Springer, Courtney + Yukelson, Rebecca, springer.co+yukelson.r
Deshmukh, Rachana R. + Sharma, Parul , deshmukh.r+sharma.pa
Lam, Henry Ka Ho + Wibisono, Arvindeva, lam.he+wibisono.a
Sullivan, Ashley + Tornese, Thomas , sullivan.ash+tornese.t
Chase, Michael T. + Doherty, Kevin, chase.mic+doherty.kev
Cowart, Edwin +Crotty, Joseph, crotty.j+cowart.e
O'Connor, Raymond + Miller, Matthew, oconnor.ray+miller.matt
Moran, Jessica S. + O'Brien, Christopher E., moran.j+obrien.chris
Sayeed, Abeer + Cuozzo, Nicolas, sayeed.a+cuozzo.n
Webert, Zachary J. + Tyler, Nicholas R., tyler.n+webert.z
Hawks, Miranda + Zhu, Yingkun, hawks.m+zhu.ying
Chiu, Jonathan +Chan, Derek, chiu.j+chan.d
Mitchell, Tyler + Cohen, Jake S., cohen.ja+mitchell.ty
Kline, Daniel W. + Zimbel, Jonathan H., kline.da+zimbel.j
Paglia, Anthony M. + Knueven, Andrew M., knueven.a+paglia.a
Young, Alice + Jolley, Jennifer W., jolley.j+young.al
Vukatana, Joana + Lazard, Sydney B., lazard.s+vukatana.j
Beard, Duncan M. + Olgin, Adam D., beard.du+olgin.a
Swain, Ian + Yu, Yongkang, swain.i+yu.yon
Kosha, Ryan + Burns, Jack, kosha.r+burns.ja
Kim, Jin Hong + Lowe, Philip L., lowe.p+kim.jinh
Rao, Arjuna + Franzen, John, rao.ar+franzen.j
Elgarten, Elias + Rodgers, Branden F., rodgers.b+elgarten.e
Hoskin, Christa + Wagenbach, Christopher O., hoskin.c+wagenbach.c
Agnellini, Bruno + Lama, Marcio, agnellini.b+lama.m
Cloud, Andrew + Balaji, Arjun, cloud.a+balaji.a
Starheim, Kristen + Kadima, Tabitha, kadima.t+starheim.k
Reyes, Khrystyna + Singh, Shivinjali, reyes.kh+singh.sh
Rooney, Paula + Flood, Christopher + , flood.chr+rooney.p
Rosenthal, Michael + Clark, Peter, clark.p+rosenthal.m
Brandt, Jacob + Cui, Jiajun, cui.j+brandt.j
O'Neill, Joseph + Lee, Youngsaang, oneill.jos+lee.youn
Mega, Evan + Olsen, Joshua, olsen.jo+mega.e
Pandharpurkar, Vineet + Reid, Christina, pandharpurkar.v+ reid.chr
Myette, Jacques + O'Donnell, Matthew, myette.j+odonnell.matt
Gilligan, Katie + Hall, Valerie, gilligan.k+hall.v
Schlesinger, Samuel+Zhang, Kaiwen, zhang.kaiwen+schlesinger.s
Wu, Zhenhuan + Pang, Bo , pang.b+wu.zhenh
Cheng, Ho Hon Alex + Lucyk, Sam, lucyk.s+cheng.ho
Huntoon, William + Wei, Zhen, huntoon.wi+wei.zhe
Madden, Blakely + Behar, Daniel , madden.b+behar.d
Dodd, Spencer + Daly, John, daly.jo+dodd.s
Yee, Amanda + Plews, Jordan, plews.j+yee.a
Eberhardt, Benjamin + Li, Jason, li.jaso+eberhardt.b
Hamani, Jamel + Zhang, You + Daniel Reposa, hamani.j +zhang.you+reposa.d
Alhamdan, Reem K.+ Occeus, Seth,occeus.s+alhamdan.r
Song, Shifeng + Shen, Rui , song.s +shen.r
Russo, Connor + Lew, Emily , russo.c+lew.e
Belmont, Matthew A. + Su, Tina , belmont.m+su.tin
Chirokas, Mark S. + Ali, Maslax M., chirokas.m+ali.ma
Casale, Ryan J. + Uguray, Alp Arhan, uguray.a+casale.r
Baker, William D. + Xie, Tianhan , xie.ti+baker.wil
Davies, Samuel K. + Unaka, Muigai O., davies.sa+unaka.m
Dyer, William F. + Van Heemst, Jacob J., dyer.w+vanheemst.j
Brussarski, Pedro V. + Bedian, Garin K., bedian.g+brussarski.p
Berger, Lukas + Wilson, Ritchie A., wilson.ri+berger.lu
Demirdjian, Peter V. + Ruane, Joseph E., ruane.j+demirdjian.p
Elks, Sean T. + Ogonowsky, Nicholas K., elks.s+ogonowsky.n
Hersey, David L. + Paradis, Nathaniel J., hersey.da+paradis.n
Horovitz Hasky, Alon + Liang, Wenjie, liang.we+horovitz.a
Rottenberk, Laura E. + Lu, Peter L., lu.pet+rottenberk.l
Hall, Jordan R. + Brown, Jared, brown.jare+hall.jor
Hoang, Aaron + Wilson, Roger, wilson.rog+hoang.aa
Ross, Brendan + Capone, Matthew, capone.m+ross.brend
Larsson, Vendela L. + Yue, Shirley, yue.s+larsson.v
McNulty, Christian T. + Ta, Gordon, mcnulty.ch+ta.g
Abidor, Eli + Tong, Carisa, abidor.e+tong.c
Bachiri, Zacharia + Ryan, Thomas, ryan.tho+bachiri.z
Basso, Robert + Scherb, Alex, scherb.a+basso.r
Totah, Reem, + Dahl, Anders, dahl.a+totah.r
Berliner, Tessa + Conley, Max, berliner.t+conley.m
Vatousiou, Anthony + Ronan, Brendan, ronan.bre+vatousiou.a
Curley, Ryan + Rosenzweig, Jonas, rosenzweig.j+curley.r
Shoff, Alexandra + Su, Timothy, su.tim+shoff.a
Daswani, Ajay + Doyle, Karen, doyle.ka+daswani.a
Stannard, Luke + Domoracki, Chester, domoracki.c+stannard.l
El-Husayni, Nabeel + Hawkins, Alexander, hawkins.al+el-husayni.n
Stapleton, Naomi E. + Manning, Nolan, manning.n+stapleton.n
Espanol, Michael-Vincent + Goodwin, Sean, goodwin.s+espanol.m
Long, Zhongrui + Plumley, Ethan, plumley.e+long.z
Marino, James + Teixeira, Bernardo, teixeira.b+marino.j
He, Bowen + Merry, Nicholas, he.bo+merry.n
Lamourine, Jeffrey, + Punja, Sanjna, lamourine.j+punja.s
Herbert, William + Forgeron, Kyle, herbert.w+forgeron.k
Johnston, James + Rini, Brian, johnston.ja+rini.b
Jung, Min + Lei, Victor, lei.v+jung.m
Hickman, Zachary + O'Leary, Kevin, hickman.z+oleary.kev
Wednesday, October 31st, 2012
Honors Partner Switch
The next partner switch for honors will happen after hw8h. Please email your partner preferences, if you have any, to Prof. Razzaq. Send email to her tagged with "partner" like this: lrazzaq+partner@ccs.neu.edu.
You must send requests by 5pm on Monday November 5. After that point we will randomly pair anyone who hasn't sent in a partner preference.
Note that you cannot request to stay with your current partner (i.e., you must switch). This will be the last homework partner change of the term.
Wednesday, October 31st, 2012
Make-up Lab for Honors
There will be a make-up lab for honors students on Sunday, Nov. 4th, 6:00-7:40pm in 210 WVH. This is to make up for the honors lab that got canceled on 10/29 due to Sandy.
Tuesday, October 30th, 2012
Partner Switch
Please email your partner preferences, if you have any, to Prof. Razzaq. Send a mail to her tagged with "partner" like this: lrazzaq+partner@ccs.neu.edu.
You must send requests by 2pm on Thursday November 1. After that point we will randomly pair remaining people.
This will be the last homework partner change of the term.
Tuesday, October 30th, 2012
Lab quiz 7 retake extension
The deadline to re-take lab quiz from last week (i.e. the one affecting your HW7 grade) is extended through today Tuesday October 30. You may request a re-take of last week's quiz in lab today.
Thursday, October 25th, 2012
Thursday, October 25th, 2012
Handin Server Notes
Remember, you can check your grades at any time by logging in to the homework server. We have also added a few additional notes on the operation of the homework server here.
Tuesday, October 23rd, 2012
Clarifications for HW7
It has come to our attention that the text of HW7 has a few ambiguities. For the HW7 hand-in we will accept either interpretation on both issues. For the record:
- It should be possible for the missiles to travel "downwards" at an angle, not just straight down. That is, the correct interpretation of
"missiles may start out at any in-bounds x coordinate ... each missle has a random direction but always aims downwards so that, unless you shoot it down, it will reach the bottom of the canvas without going out of bounds"
is that missiles should start at y=0 with any random x-coordinate and end at y=499 with any random x-coordinate, not necessarily the same x-coordinate at which they started.
- The suggested function
remove-dead-missiles should be renamed remove-dead-missiles-and-bullets and should have the purpose statement "Remove every missile that is touching some bullet and vice-versa."
Friday, October 19th, 2012
HW7 Posted
HW7 is posted. The due date for this homework is 11:59pm Wednesday October 24.
Friday, October 19th, 2012
Snake Code (full version)
Here is the full snake code (version from Vona's section). Feel free to hack it on your own and use it as an example.
Monday, October 15th, 2012
Snake code
Here is the snake code (so far).
Feel free to hack it on your own.
(Did we mention that there is a test tonight? From 6:00-9:00? There is.)
Sunday, October 14th, 2012
Homework 6 question
We've received mail asking about the last problem in homework 6:
what does it mean to count up all the "characters" in a Xexpr?
Does this include the symbols, or just the characters that appear
in the strings?
We meant just the characters that appear in the strings.
(In other words, the text of the Xepr—the
symbols are "markup" information that say how to lay out the
Friday, October 12th, 2012
Exam 1 : When/Where
Exam 1 will be held Monday, October 15th, 6pm-9pm.
Students in Profs. Ahmed and Razzaq's sections go to: 335 SH (Shillman Hall)
Students in Profs. Shivers and Vona's sections go to: 201 MU (Mugar Life Sciences Building)
MAKE SURE you go to the right location. The rooms have limited seating and we will not be able to seat students
from the wrong section.
Honors students: The honors supplement will only be available at 335 Shillman Hall.
Friday, October 12th, 2012
Review Session for Exam 1
Your TAs and tutors will be running review sessions for Exam 1 on Sunday, Oct 14th, 4pm-6pm, in the following locations:
For the regular-track sections (Profs. Shivers, Vona, Razzaq): 200 Richards Hall
For the honors-track section (Prof. Ahmed): 458 Richards Hall
Your TAs/tutors will discuss answers to the sample exam (and honors supplement) that we posted on the blog
earlier and answer questions. You'll get the most out of the review session if you've been working on
problems (from the textbook and sample exam) and if you come with questions.
Friday, October 12th, 2012
Website Updates
The syllabus page has been updated to correct the listed dates. Also, the reading schedule page has been amended to also list the book section numbers in addition to page numbers.
Thursday, October 11th, 2012
New Homework Partners
Assignment 6 should be done with your new homework partner.
Pairs are listed by husky names.
Let us know if your partner has dropped the class.
Acquadro, Nicholas D. + Taylor, Matthew M., acquadro.n+taylor.matth
Alpert, Kyle H. + Thoms, Lindsey M., alpert.k+thoms.l
Baquerizo, Priscilla A. + Wassall, Zachary H., baquerizo.p+wassall.z
Bini, Amanda R. + Winton, Ariel R., bini.a+winton.a
Brown, Ryan + Wood, Michelle M., brown.ry+wood.mic
Caruso, William + Wrasman, Alaric W., caruso.w+wrasman.a
Caunter, Andrew J. + Wright, Timothy J., caunter.a+wright.ti
Cepko, Stefan T. + Yang, Yang, cepko.s+yang.yan
Chao, Tiffany L. + Youngren, Zachary, chao.ti+youngren.z
Coda, Alexander M. + Zingher, David J., coda.a+zingher.d
Collins, Dylan P. + Oberstein, Jesse R., collins.dyl+oberstein.j
Corrington, Kaila M. + Otieno, Tevin M., corrington.k+otieno.t
Cotton, Matthew T. + Pomerantz, Calvin J., cotton.m+pomerantz.c
Devakul, Trithep + Rinaldi, Michael R., devakul.t+rinaldi.mi
Dimare, Christian + Russo, Connor S., dimare.c+russo.c
Ellis, Craig J. + Sanborn, Samantha T., ellis.cr+sanborn.s
Forgeron, Kyle C. + Shtuhl, Nir, forgeron.k+shtuhl.n
Freeley, Christopher M. + Singer, Matthew C., freeley.c+singer.m
Gobron, Doug + Singh, Shivanjali, gobron.d+singh.sh
Grube, Andrew F. + Skala, Maxwell T., grube.a+skala.m
Horman, Jacquelyn G. + Sniffin, Timothy R., horman.j+sniffin.t
Jones, Nicholas L. + Macdonald, Lochlainn O., jones.n+macdonald.lo
Kelly, Brian M. + Maxwell, Joseph S., kelly.bria+maxwell.jo
Knueven, Andrew M. + Meyer, Kyle P., knueven.a+meyer.ky
Langsford, Trevyn J. + Monterroso, Victor M., langsford.t+monterroso.v
Larisch, James C. + Moran, Daniel W., larisch.j+moran.dan
O'Leary, Kevin G. + Moring, Dylan A., oleary.kev+moring.d
O'Neill, Joseph + Mega, Evan, oneill.jos+mega.e
Olsen, Joshua + Lee, Youngsaang, olsen.jo+lee.youn
Fillo, Matthew + Rosenthal, Michael, fillo.m+rosenthal.m
Wang, Shiyu + Fan, Xiang, wang.shiyu+fan.x
Brandt, Jacob + Manomivibul, Matthew, brandt.j+manomivibul.m
Pang, Bo + Weaver, Benjamin, pang.b+weaver.be
Lin, Hailu + Wu, Bomin, lin.hai+wu.b
Barawid, Deion + Rooney, Paula, barawid.d+rooney.p
Basquez, Nichol + Schlesinger, Samuel, basquez.n+schlesinger.s
Wu, Zhenhuan + Singh, Bhavneet, wu.zhenh+singh.b
Chadbourne, Michael + Webber, Timothy, chadbourne.m+webber.t
Cheng, Ho Hon Alex + Wei, Zhen, cheng.ho+wei.zhe
Clark, Peter + Wright, Steven, clark.p+wright.stev
Daly, John + Behar, Daniel, daly.jo+behar.d
Dodd, Spencer + Yao, Jue, dodd.s+yao.jue
Eberhardt, Benjamin + Yee, Amanda, eberhardt.b+yee.a
Fezza, Chris + Young, Alice, fezza.c+young.al
Flood, Christopher + Zhang, Kaiwen, flood.chr+zhang.kaiwen
Huntoon, William + Zhang, You, huntoon.wi+zhang.you
Gao, Fenghao + Levine, Benjamin, gao.fen+levine.be
Gilligan, Katie + Li, Jason, gilligan.k+li.jaso
Hall, Valerie + Lucyk, Sam, hall.v+lucyk.s
Hamani, Jamel + Lyver, Christopher, hamani.j+lyver.c
Hasanaj, Fiona + Madden, Blakely, hasanaj.f+madden.b
Freyre, Matthew + Moore, Evan, freyre.m+moore.ev
Kappel, Jennifer + Myette, Jacques, kappel.j+myette.j
Plews, Jordan + O'Donnell, Matthew, plews.j+odonnell.matt
Reid, Christina + Occeus, Seth, reid.chr+occeus.s
Millstein, Mark B. + Pandharpurkar, Vineet, millstein.ma+pandharpurkar.v
Ababio, Alfred B. + Shen, Rui , ababio.a+shen.r
Agnellini, Bruno + Song, Shifeng , agnellini.b+song.s
Alhamdan, Reem K. + Su, Tina , alhamdan.r+su.tin
Ali, Maslax M. + Tornese, Thomas , ali.ma+tornese.t
Bailey, Alanna N. + Tyler, Nicholas R., bailey.al+tyler.n
Baker, William D. + Uguray, Alp Arhan, baker.wil+uguray.a
Balaji, Arjun + Unaka, Muigai O., balaji.a+unaka.m
Beard, Duncan M. + Van Heemst, Jacob J., beard.du+vanheemst.j
Bedian, Garin K. + Vukatana, Joana , bedian.g+vukatana.j
Belmont, Matthew A. + Wagenbach, Christopher O., belmont.m+wagenbach.c
Berger, Lukas + Webert, Zachary J., berger.lu+webert.z
Brussarski, Pedro V. + Wilson, Ritchie A., brussarski.p+wilson.ri
Cantlin, Dallas M. + Xie, Tianhan , cantlin.d+xie.ti
Casale, Ryan J. + Zimbel, Jonathan H., casale.r+zimbel.j
Chase, Michael T. + Mitchell, Tyler , chase.mic+mitchell.ty
Chirokas, Mark S. + Moran, Brodey W., chirokas.m+moran.br
Cohen, Jake S. + Moran, Jessica S., cohen.ja+moran.j
Cox, Brian A. + Nguyen, Thao H., cox.b+nguyen.thao3
Cui, Jiajun + O'Brien, Christopher E., cui.j+obrien.chris
Davies, Samuel K. + Oates, David E., davies.sa+oates.d
Demirdjian, Peter V. + Ogonowsky, Nicholas K., demirdjian.p+ogonowsky.n
Deshmukh, Rachana R. + Olgin, Adam D., deshmukh.r+olgin.a
Dyer, William F. + Paglia, Anthony M., dyer.w+paglia.a
Elgarten, Elias M. + Paradis, Nathaniel J., elgarten.e+paradis.n
Elks, Sean T. + Patel, Premal P., elks.s+patel.pre
Hall, Jordan R. + Robeson, Cassandra L., hall.jor+robeson.c
Hersey, David L. + Rodgers, Branden F., hersey.da+rodgers.b
Hoang, Aaron + Ross, Brendan , hoang.aa+ross.brend
Horovitz Hasky, Alon + Rottenberk, Laura E., horovitz.a+rottenberk.l
Hoskin, Christa L. + Ruane, Joseph E., hoskin.c+ruane.j
Huang, Beatrice + Sharma, Parul , huang.be+sharma.pa
Jolley, Jennifer W. + Lazard, Sydney B., jolley.j+lazard.s
Kim, Jin Hong + Lew, Emily , kim.jinh+lew.e
Kline, Daniel W. + Liang, Wenjie , kline.da+liang.we
Lam, Henry Ka Ho + Lowe, Philip L., lam.he+lowe.p
Lama, Marcio A. + Lu, Peter L., lama.m+lu.pet
Larsson, Vendela L. + McNulty, Christian T., larsson.v+mcnulty.ch
Abidor, Eli + Ta, Gordon, abidor.e+ta.g
Bachiri, Zacharia + Tong, Carisa, bachiri.z+tong.c
Basso, Robert + Totah, Reem, basso.r+totah.r
Berliner, Tessa + Vatousiou, Anthony, berliner.t+vatousiou.a
Bond, Kenneth + Wetherby, Cody, bond.ke+wetherby.c
Brown, Jared + Wibisono, Arvindeva, brown.jare+wibisono.a
Burns, Jack + Wilson, Roger, burns.ja+wilson.rog
Capone, Matthew + Yu, Yongkang, capone.m+yu.yon
Chan, Derek + Yue, Shirley, chan.d+yue.s
Chiu, Jonathan + Yukelson, Rebecca, chiu.j+yukelson.r
Cloud, Andrew + Zhu, Yingkun, cloud.a+zhu.ying
Conley, Max + Ronan, Brendan, conley.m+ronan.bre
Cowart, Edwin + Ryan, Thomas, cowart.e+ryan.tho
Crotty, Joseph + Sayeed, Abeer, crotty.j+sayeed.a
Cuozzo, Nicolas + Scherb, Alex, cuozzo.n+scherb.a
Curley, Ryan + Shoff, Alexandra, curley.r+shoff.a
Dahl, Anders + Springer, Courtney, dahl.a+springer.co
Daswani, Ajay + Stannard, Luke, daswani.a+stannard.l
Davis, Willa + Rosenzweig, Jonas, davis.wil+rosenzweig.j
Deng, Bobby + Starheim, Kristen, deng.bo+starheim.k
Doherty, Kevin + Su, Timothy, doherty.kev+su.tim
Domoracki, Chester + Sullivan, Ashley, domoracki.c+sullivan.ash
Doyle, Karen + Swain, Ian, doyle.ka+swain.i
El-Husayni, Nabeel + Stapleton, Naomi E., el-husayni.n+stapleton.n
Espanol, Michael-Vincent + Long, Zhongrui, espanol.m+long.z
Franzen, John + Manning, Nolan, franzen.j+manning.n
Golden, Conor + Marino, James, golden.c+marino.j
Gontijo Teixeira, Bernardo + Merry, Nicholas, teixeira.b+merry.n
Goodwin, Sean + Miller, Matthew, goodwin.s+miller.matt
Hawkins, Alexander + O'Connor, Raymond, hawkins.al+oconnor.ray
Hawks, Miranda + Plumley, Ethan, hawks.m+plumley.e
He, Bowen + Punja, Sanjna, he.bo+punja.s
Herbert, William + Rao, Arjuna, herbert.w+rao.ar
Hickman, Zachary + Reposa, Daniel, hickman.z+reposa.d
Johnston, James + Reyes, Khrystyna, johnston.ja+reyes.kh
Jung, Min + Rini, Brian, jung.m+rini.b
Kadima, Tabitha + Kuffert, Christopher, kadima.t+kuffert.c
Kelly, John + Lamourine, Jeffrey, kelly.john2+lamourine.j
Kim, Yvette + Lauture, Sanders, kim.yv+lauture.s
Kosha, Ryan + Lei, Victor, kosha.r+lei.v
Friday, October 5th, 2012
Slight Update for HW5
The wording of HW5 problems A1, A2, and A4 has been updated slightly to improve clarity. You may have to refresh the page in your browser to see the update.
Thursday, October 4th, 2012
Honors: Snake
Here is the Snake code we wrote in honors class on Monday 10/1 and Thursday 10/4.
Thursday, October 4th, 2012
Partner Switch
We will be doing a partner switch immediately after HW5 is due.
Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012
Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012
Columbus Day
Monday 10/8 is Columubus day. There will be no lectures and no office hours that day. Make-ups for the prior week's lab quiz must be completed by the end of the last office hours on Sunday 10/7.
However, assignment 5 will be due at the regular time on 10/8.
Wednesday, September 19th, 2012
Homework Partners
Assignment 3 should be done with your homework partner.
Pairs are listed by husky names.
Let us know if you joined the class late and your name is not listed.
Acquadro,Nicholas D. + Meyer,Kyle P., acquadro.n+meyer.ky
Alpert,Kyle H. + Monterroso,Victor M., alpert.k+monterroso.v
Atwater,Emily R. + Moran,Daniel W., atwater.e+moran.dan
Baquerizo,Priscilla A. + Moring,Dylan A., baquerizo.p+moring.d
Bini,Amanda R. + O'Leary,Kevin G., bini.a+oleary.kev
Caruso,William + Oberstein,Jesse R., caruso.w+oberstein.j
Caunter,Andrew J. + Otieno,Tevin M., caunter.a+otieno.t
Cepko,Stefan T. + Pomerantz,Calvin J., cepko.s+pomerantz.c
Chao,Tiffany L. + Prabhakaran,Sree Vishant, chao.ti+prabhakaran.s
Coda,Alexander M. + Rinaldi,Michael R., coda.a+rinaldi.mi
Collins,Dylan P. + Russo,Connor S., collins.dyl+russo.c
Corrington,Kaila M. + Sanborn,Samantha T., corrington.k+sanborn.s
Cotton,Matthew T. + Shtuhl,Nir, cotton.m+shtuhl.n
Devakul,Trithep + Singer,Matthew C., devakul.t+singer.m
Ellis,Craig J. + Singh,Shivanjali, ellis.cr+singh.sh
Forgeron,Kyle C. + Skala,Maxwell T., forgeron.k+skala.m
Freeley,Christopher M. + Sniffin,Timothy R., freeley.c+sniffin.t
Gilbert,George D. + Stapleton,Naomi E., gilbert.g+stapleton.n
Grube,Andrew F. + Taylor,Matthew M., grube.a+taylor.matth
Horman,Jacquelyn G. + Thoms,Lindsey M., horman.j+thoms.l
Jones,Nicholas L. + Wassall,Zachary H., jones.n+wassall.z
Kelly,Brian M. + Winton,Ariel R., kelly.bria+winton.a
Knueven,Andrew M. + Wood,Michelle M., knueven.a+wood.mic
Langsford,Trevyn J. + Wrasman,Alaric W., langsford.t+wrasman.a
Larisch,James C. + Wright,Timothy J., larisch.j+wright.ti
Lee,Min A. + Yang,Yang, lee.min1+yang.yan
Macdonald,Lochlainn O. + Youngren,Zachary, macdonald.lo+youngren.z
Maxwell,Joseph S. + Zingher,David J., maxwell.jo+zingher.d
Lucyk,Sam + Barawid,Deion, lucyk.s+barawid.d
Lyver,Christopher + Basquez,Nichol, lyver.c+basquez.n
Madden,Blakely + Behar,Daniel, madden.b+behar.d
Manomivibul,Matthew + Brandt,Jacob, manomivibul.m+brandt.j
Mega,Evan + Chadbourne,Michael, mega.e+chadbourne.m
Moore,Evan + Cheng,Ho Hon Alex, moore.ev+cheng.ho
Myette,Jacques + Clark,Peter, myette.j+clark.p
O'Donnell,Matthew + Daly,John, odonnell.matt+daly.jo
O'Neill,Joseph + Dodd,Spencer, oneill.jos+dodd.s
Occeus,Seth + Eberhardt,Benjamin, occeus.s+eberhardt.b
Olsen,Joshua + Fan,Xiang, olsen.jo+fan.x
Pandharpurkar,Vineet + Fezza,Chris, pandharpurkar.v+fezza.c
Pang,Bo + Fillo,Matthew, pang.b+fillo.m
Plews,Jordan + Flood,Christopher, plews.j+flood.chr
Reid,Christina + Freyre,Matthew, reid.chr+freyre.m
Rooney,Paula + Gao,Fenghao, rooney.p+gao.fen
Rosenthal,Michael + Gilligan,Katie, rosenthal.m+gilligan.k
Schlesinger,Samuel + Gonzalez Michelena,Rolando, schlesinger.s+gonzalezmichelena.r
Singh,Bhavneet + Hall,Valerie + Wei, Zhen, singh.b+hall.v+wei.zhe
Wang,Shiyu + Hamani,Jamel, wang.shiyu+hamani.j
Weaver,Benjamin + Hasanaj,Fiona, weaver.be+hasanaj.f
Webber,Timothy + Liu,Chong, webber.t+liu.cho
Wright,Steven + Yee,Amanda, wright.stev+yee.a
Wu,Zhenhuan + Levine,Benjamin, wu.zhenh+levine.be
Wu,Bomin + Li,Jason, wu.b+li.jaso
Yao,Jue + Lin,Hailu, yao.jue+lin.hai
Young,Alice + Huntoon,William, young.al+huntoon.wi
Zhang,Kaiwen + Kappel,Jennifer, zhang.kaiwen+kappel.j
Zhang,You + Lee,Youngsaang, zhang.you+lee.youn
Ababio,Alfred B. + McNulty,Christian T., ababio.a+mcnulty.ch
Agnellini,Bruno + Millstein,Mark B., agnellini.b+millstein.ma
Alhamdan,Reem K. + Mitchell,Tyler , alhamdan.r+mitchell.ty
Ali,Maslax M. + Moran,Brodey W., ali.ma+moran.br
Bailey,Alanna N. + Moran,Jessica S., bailey.al+moran.j
Baker,William D. + Nguyen,Thao H., baker.wil+nguyen.thao3
Balaji,Arjun + O'Brien,Christopher E., balaji.a+obrien.chris
Beard,Duncan M. + Oates,David E., beard.du+oates.d
Bedian,Garin K. + Ogonowsky,Nicholas K., bedian.g+ogonowsky.n
Belmont,Matthew A. + Olgin,Adam D., belmont.m+olgin.a
Berger,Lukas + Paglia,Anthony M., berger.lu+paglia.a
Brussarski,Pedro V. + Paradis,Nathaniel J., brussarski.p+paradis.n
Cantlin,Dallas M. + Patel,Premal P., cantlin.d+patel.pre
Casale,Ryan J. + Pitel,Adam T., casale.r+pitel.a
Chase,Michael T. + Robeson,Cassandra L., chase.mic+robeson.c
Chirokas,Mark S. + Rodgers,Branden F., chirokas.m+rodgers.b
Cimino,Alexander S. + Ross,Brendan , cimino.a+ross.brend
Cohen,Jake S. + Rottenberk,Laura E., cohen.ja+rottenberk.l
Cox,Brian A. + Ruane,Joseph E., cox.b+ruane.j
Cui,Jiajun + Sharma,Parul , cui.j+sharma.pa
Davies,Samuel K. + Shen,Rui , davies.sa+shen.r
Demirdjian,Peter V. + Song,Shifeng , demirdjian.p+song.s
Deshmukh,Rachana R. + Su,Tina , deshmukh.r+su.tin
Dyer,William F. + Tornese,Thomas , dyer.w+tornese.t
Elgarten,Elias M. + Tyler,Nicholas R., elgarten.e+tyler.n
Elks,Sean T. + Uguray,Alp Arhan, elks.s+uguray.a
Hall,Jordan R. + Unaka,Muigai O., hall.jor+unaka.m
Hersey,David L. + Van Heemst,Jacob J., hersey.da+vanheemst.j
Hoang,Aaron + Vukatana,Joana , hoang.aa+vukatana.j
Horovitz Hasky,Alon + Wagenbach,Christopher O., horovitz.a+wagenbach.c
Hoskin,Christa L. + Webert,Zachary J., hoskin.c+webert.z
Huang,Beatrice + Wilson,Ritchie A., huang.be+wilson.ri
Jolley,Jennifer W. + Xie,Tianhan , jolley.j+xie.ti
Kim,Jin Hong + Lu, Peter, kim.jinh+lu.pet
Kline,Daniel W. + Zimbel,Jonathan H., kline.da+zimbel.j
Lam,Henry Ka Ho + Lew,Emily , lam.he+lew.e
Lama,Marcio A. + Liang,Wenjie , lama.m+liang.we
Larsson,Vendela L. + Liu,Xinghuan , larsson.v+liu.xingh
Lazard,Sydney B. + Lowe,Philip L., lazard.s+lowe.p
Abidor,Eli + Lei,Victor, abidor.e+lei.v
Bachiri,Zacharia + Long,Zhongrui, bachiri.z+long.z
Basso,Robert + Manning,Nolan, basso.r+manning.n
Berliner,Tessa + Marino,James, berliner.t+marino.j
Bond,Kenneth + Merry,Nicholas, bond.ke+merry.n
Brookes,Andrew + Miller,Matthew, brookes.a+miller.matt
Brown,Ryan + O'Connor,Raymond, brown.ry+oconnor.ray
Brown,Jared + Plumley,Ethan, brown.jare+plumley.e
Burns,Jack + Punja,Sanjna, burns.ja+punja.s
Capone,Matthew + Rao,Arjuna, capone.m+rao.ar
Chan,Derek + Reposa,Daniel, chan.d+reposa.d
Chiu,Jonathan + Reyes,Khrystyna, chiu.j+reyes.kh
Cloud,Andrew + Rini,Brian, cloud.a+rini.b
Conley,Max + Ronan,Brendan, conley.m+ronan.bre
Cowart,Edwin + Rosenzweig,Jonas, cowart.e+rosenzweig.j
Crotty,Joseph + Ryan,Thomas, crotty.j+ryan.tho
Cuozzo,Nicolas + Sayeed,Abeer, cuozzo.n+sayeed.a
Curley,Ryan + Scherb,Alex, curley.r+scherb.a
Dahl,Anders + Shoff,Alexandra, dahl.a+shoff.a
Daswani,Ajay + Springer,Courtney, daswani.a+springer.co
Davis,Willa + Stannard,Luke, davis.wil+stannard.l
Deng,Bobby + Starheim,Kristen, deng.bo+starheim.k
Dimare,Christian + Su,Timothy, dimare.c+su.tim
Doherty,Kevin + Sullivan,Ashley, doherty.kev+sullivan.ash
Domoracki,Chester + Swain,Ian, domoracki.c+swain.i
Doyle,Karen + Ta,Gordon, doyle.ka+ta.g
El-Husayni,Nabeel + Tong,Carisa, el-husayni.n+tong.c
Espanol,Michael-Vincent + Totah,Reem, espanol.m+totah.r
Franzen,John + Vatousiou,Anthony, franzen.j+vatousiou.a
Golden,Conor + Wetherby,Cody, golden.c+wetherby.c
Gontijo Teixeira,Bernardo + Wibisono,Arvindeva, teixeira.b+wibisono.a
Goodwin,Sean + Wilson,Roger, goodwin.s+wilson.rog
Hawkins,Alexander + Yu,Yongkang, hawkins.al+yu.yon
Hawks,Miranda + Yue,Shirley, hawks.m+yue.s
He,Bowen + Yukelson,Rebecca, he.bo+yukelson.r
Herbert,William + Zhu,Yingkun, herbert.w+zhu.ying
Hickman,Zachary + Kim,Yvette, hickman.z+kim.yv
Johnston,James + Kosha,Ryan, johnston.ja+kosha.r
Jung,Min + Kuffert,Christopher, jung.m+kuffert.c
Kadima,Tabitha + Lamourine,Jeffrey, kadima.t+lamourine.j
Kelly,John + Lauture,Sanders, kelly.john2+lauture.s
Sunday, September 16th, 2012
No new homework 2
Homework 2 will not be updated.
Wednesday, September 12th, 2012
Homework 2 is up
Homework 2 is up on the Assignments page. It's due next Monday (9/17).
Tuesday, September 4th, 2012
Welcome to the CS 2500 blog.
You should check this blog on a daily basis, as we will use it
to publish information to the class that needs to be disseminated
in a timely way. For example, if we make a mistake on a homework
assignment, or decide to issue an extension on a homework due date,
you'd probably want to know about it immediately—and here is
where we'll post the news.