Submitting Your Homework
- In this course, we will use
github as our version control and repository system. We will use the College github server at You should visit this site as soon as you have a CCS login in order to initialize your account there. (See Preparing Your Laptop for details.) - We will create a private repository for you at the CCS github. We expect you to commit and push your work to this repository at the end of every work session. When we get to pair work, we will create a repository for each pair, shared between you and your partner.
- At the end of each work session, you must do two things:
- Commit your work to your private repository.
- Fill our a "work session report". This is a simple Google form that asks you to record the time you spent in that work session. This form will be customized for each problem set. A sample is here.
- If you do not commit and push your assignments nightly, we will assume that you are not working on the assignment. Checking in your partially-completed assignments also serves to prove that you actually did the assignment yourself. If you only check in the final version of your assignment, we will assume that you probably stole the code from somewhere.
- Nightly check-ins mean that you will always have a backup of your work. If you screw things up, you can always revert to an earlier version.
- Your homework will be collected automatically from your repository at the date and time listed on the problem set (usually 6pm local time on Monday).
- Your homework for problem set JJ should be committed to your
repository, in a folder named setJJ.
- Each question should be submitted as a single file in that folder, in a file named NAME.rkt, where NAME.rkt is the filename specified in the question.
- If the question does not specify a filename, then use qK.rkt for question K. Thus, if problem set 1, question 2 does not specify a filename, then the answer should be in a file named exactly set01/q2.rkt . (Here I've used the Unix/Github convention of using / to separate the components of a path name.)
- If your solution is a file named set1/q2.rkt, Set01/q2.rkt, set 1/question2.rkt, or anything else, our scripts won't find it, and a variety of bad things will happen.
- The general deliverables are itemized here.
- We have coding conventions. If you follow them, you will make your life and the TA's life easier.
- Your submission will be graded according to this rubric. The rubric will change somewhat from week to week, but this shows the general outline.
Last modified: Sun Sep 18 08:00:33 Eastern Daylight Time 2016