On this page:
See Blog
Office Hours
Email Addresses

Office Hours, EMail

send email

When you need help with the lecture material, the lab material, or the problem sets, don’t despair—there are plenty of ways to get help. First, you should look at the “course blog” because someone else may have run into the problem and the answer could be posted there. Second, we offer a large number of office hours: instructors, TAs, and tutors. Third, if you can’t find the answer on the “blog” and nobody is running an office hour and you need the answer now, send email (that’s like texting but you get to write full sentences with question marks and real punctuation—that’s the "." "," "!" "?" thingies on your keyboard).

See Blog

You must read the “class blog” on a daily basis—we will use it to notify you of things that need timely dissemination.

Office Hours

Here is a listing of all the office hours that the course staff offers. If you would like to speak to an instructor and you cannot make it to his or her office hours, send email and set up a meeting.

A weekly view is also available as a Google calendar.






Amal Ahmed


M 02:00pm-03:00pm



Leena Razzaq


T 10:00am-noon



Leena Razzaq


T 10:00am-noon



Olin Shivers


M 10:30am-11:30am



Ben Lerner


M 03:00pm-04:00pm



Elín Carstensdóttir


Tue 2-4pm; Fri 12:30-2:30pm


WVH 3rd floor

Julia Ebert


Wed 6:30-8:30pm; Sat 2-4pm


WVH 3rd floor

Joseph Goode


Mon 6-7pm; Wed 9:30-11:30am; Thu 1:30-2:30pm


WVH 3rd floor

Martha Hamlin


Thu 5-7; Sun 2-4pm


WVH 3rd floor

Zachary Hickman


Mon 2-4pm; Wed 2-4pm


WVH 3rd floor

Eric Kelly


Wed noon-2pm; Thu noon-2pm


WVH 3rd floor

Nathan Lilienthal


Tue 5-7pm; Thu 4-6pm


WVH 3rd floor

Rebecca MacKenzie


Tue 4-6pm; Thu 3-5pm


WVH 3rd floor

Phillip Mates


Tue 10-12am; Wed 4-6pm


WVH 3rd floor

Matthew Singer


Mon 10:30am-12:30pm; Thu 10:30am-12:30pm


WVH 3rd floor

Ashley Sullivan




WVH 3rd floor

Howard Cheung


Wed 2:30-4:30pm


WVH 102, desk

Colin Clark


Thu 2:30-4:30pm


WVH 102, desk

Mackenzie Denker


Thu 1-3pm


WVH 102, desk

Joseph Griego


Thu 5-7pm


WVH 102, desk

Kenny Jean-Baptiste


Wed 3:30-5:30pm


WVH 102, desk

Thomas Jenkins


Mon 4-6pm


WVH 102, desk

Alex Jolly


Tue 11:30-1:30pm


WVH 102, desk

Alexander Kavourias


Wed 10:30-12:30pm


WVH 102, desk

Hudson Klebs


Mon 2-4pm


WVH 102, desk

Jennifer LaPierre


Sun 4-6pm


WVH 102, desk

Mitchell McLean


Mon noon-2pm


WVH 102, desk

Katherine McDonough


Mon 6-8pm


WVH 102, desk

David Padawer


Tue 3:30-5:30pm


WVH 102, desk

Sinan Pehlivanoglu


Thu 5-7pm


WVH 102, desk

Gregory Pfadenhauer


Sun 12-2pm


WVH 102, desk

Calvin Pomerantz


Wed 12:30-2:30pm


WVH 102, desk

Vishant Prabhakaran


Wed 5-7pm


WVH 102, desk

Sadruddin Saleem


Tue 5-7pm


WVH 102, desk

Pedro Silva


Fri 10-noon


WVH 102, desk

Benji Smith


Wed 5-7pm


WVH 102, desk

Anh (Anya) Tran


Tue 11-1pm


WVH 102, desk

Benjamin Wagner


Sun 6-8pm


WVH 102, desk

Logan Wells


Wed 7-9pm


WVH 102, desk

Ben Wheeler


Thu noon-2pm


WVH 102, desk

Zachary Winkeler


Thu 3-5pm


WVH 102, desk

Alex Narayanan


Wed 1:30-3:30pm


WVH 102, desk

Rob Jensen


Tue 2-4pm


WVH 102, desk

Email Addresses

You may send Email to individuals on the teaching staff of the course. Note that we may post your mail message on the course blog if we think it is of general interest to the rest of the class, so if you want to ensure privacy, be sure to request it when you write us.




Amal Ahmed


amal at ccs.neu.edu

Leena Razzaq


lrazzaq at ccs.neu.edu

Leena Razzaq


lrazzaq at ccs.neu.edu

Olin Shivers


shivers at ccs.neu.edu

Ben Lerner


blerner at ccs.neu.edu

Elín Carstensdóttir


elin at ccs.neu.edu

Julia Ebert


jtebert at ccs.neu.edu

Joseph Goode


jgoode at ccs.neu.edu

Martha Hamlin


mlhamlin at ccs.neu.edu

Zachary Hickman


zhickman at ccs.neu.edu

Eric Kelly


ekelly at ccs.neu.edu

Nathan Lilienthal


nathanl at ccs.neu.edu

Rebecca MacKenzie


rmacnz at ccs.neu.edu

Phillip Mates


mates at ccs.neu.edu

Matthew Singer


msinger at ccs.neu.edu

Ashley Sullivan


sonata at ccs.neu.edu

Howard Cheung


howardc at ccs.neu.edu

Colin Clark


cclark at ccs.neu.edu

Mackenzie Denker


denkerm at ccs.neu.edu

Joseph Griego


jgriego at ccs.neu.edu

Kenny Jean-Baptiste


jean-baptiste.ke at husky.neu.edu

Thomas Jenkins


tjenkins at ccs.neu.edu

Alex Jolly


jolly.a at husky.neu.edu

Alexander Kavourias


kavourias.a at husky.neu.edu

Hudson Klebs


klebsh at ccs.neu.edu

Jennifer LaPierre


jl2018 at ccs.neu.edu

Mitchell McLean


mmclean at ccs.neu.edu

Katherine McDonough


mcdonough.kat at husky.neu.edu

David Padawer


padawer.d at husky.neu.edu

Sinan Pehlivanoglu


sinanspd at ccs.neu.edu

Gregory Pfadenhauer


pfadenhauer.g at husky.neu.edu

Calvin Pomerantz


calvin at ccs.neu.edu

Vishant Prabhakaran


vprab at ccs.neu.edu

Sadruddin Saleem


saleem.s at husky.neu.edu

Pedro Silva


silvaph at ccs.neu.edu

Benji Smith


smith.benj at husky.neu.edu

Anh (Anya) Tran


anhtran9 at ccs.neu.edu

Benjamin Wagner


wagner.be at husky.neu.edu

Logan Wells


wells.l at husky.neu.edu

Ben Wheeler


wheeler.b at husky.neu.edu

Zachary Winkeler


zwink at ccs.neu.edu

Alex Narayanan


narayanan.a at husky.neu.edu

Rob Jensen


jensen.r at husky.neu.edu