
Homework 3🔗

home work!

Programming Language BSL

Due Date: Wednesday January 29, 9pm.

Purpose: Designing structured data; writing functions that process structured data; designing World programs


Graded Exercises:

Exercise 1 Look at the following structure type definitions:

You must use these structure definitions to design the data types Book, Date, and Holiday, respectively. For each structure definition, write down:

  • The names of the functions (constructors, selectors, and predicates) that each definition introduces

  • A reasonable data definition

  • An interpretation

  • Three examples

  • The function template for that data definition

Exercise 2

The time of day, broken down into hour and minute components, lends itself nicely to being represented as a structure type definition.

  • First, design the data types Hour and Minute to represent hours with a range of 0 thru 23, and minutes with a range of 0 thru 59, respectively. Ensure you follow all steps of the data design recipe.

  • Create a define-struct time that has fields named hours and minutes.

  • Based on this structure definition, as well as your Hour and Minute data types, design a new data type called Time, which represents the time of day in hours and minutes. Again, ensure you follow all steps of the data design recipe.

  • Design the function tick-tock that consumes a Time, t, and produces a Time that represents the next minute immediately after t.

  • Design the function time->text, which converts a Time to text. It should represent time as a 12-hour digital clock: two digits each for the hour and minute values, with leading ’0’ if needed, separated by a colon (’:’), followed by either "AM" or "PM". For example, if the hours is 11 and minutes is 20, it should be produce "11:20 AM", while 17 hours and 1 minute should produce "05:01 PM". Additionally, a 12-hour clock never displays 0 for the hours–the displayed hours is strictly between 1 and 12, inclusive–so 0 hours and 15 minutes should produce "12:15 AM". Lastly, the special cases 0 hours and 0 minutes (midnight) should produce "12:00 AM" and 12 hours and 0 minutes (noon) "12:00 PM".

    Hint: You might investigate the useful function number->string–watch out for leading 0’s though (or the lack thereof).

  • Design the function digital-clock that accepts a starting Time t and uses big-bang to draw an animated digital clock that runs starting from the given time. Note: you do not have give check-expects for this function.

Exercise 3
  • A hotel review website, such as Yelp, lists a lot of information about each hotel, including its name, luxury rating (in stars), and a summary of its price (in dollar signs). Design a new data definition called Hotel, which contains these three pieces of information about a hotel. Assume that hotels are rated with one to five stars, and their price is rated using one to four "$"s.

    Hint: You will need auxiliary data definitions to define Hotel.

  • Finding a hotel that’s not too costly can be tricky. Design a function called in-budget? that takes a Hotel and a price rating, and produces #true if the Hotel is no more expensive than the price rating you’re willing to spend.

  • The hotel business is tough these days, and less-expensive options are certainly more attractive than pricey ones... Design a function called make-cheaper that consumes a Hotel, called h, and produces a Hotel that has one fewer "$" than h, adds the string "Cheaper " to the beginning of the hotel name, and has the same star rating. However, if the price of h is already in the lowest category (one "$"), the function should produce h itself.

  • The Yelp website summarizes each hotel by displaying a little panel, such as the following screenshot from the Yelp website:

    You can use the 2htdp/image library to draw a similar panel, such as the following image that we produced:

    Design a function that draws a panel that is approximately the same as the example above. (It does not have to be pixel-for-pixel identical to this example.)