CS2500 Lab 8 (honors): Higher-order functions by the dozen

Functions on functions

  1. Design a function two that takes a function f : X -> X as input and returns another function that applies f twice in a row. That is, two returns a function which first applies f to its input, then applies f again to the output of the first application. (Start with the contract…)
  1. Design the function three, similarly, that applies f three times in a row.
  1. Also design the functions one and zero. Writing one is easy, but what about zero?—what does it mean to apply a function to its argument zero times?

The functions zero, one, two, and three look curiously similar to numbers… all they do is repeat their input some number of times. Let's call functions like these “repeaters”:

  ; A Repeater is a function with contract [X -> X] -> [X -> X] which just repeats its input some number of times.
  1. Design a function rep->nat : Repeater -> Nat that takes a repeater as input and discovers how many times it repeats its argument. So:

      (check-expect (rep->nat zero) 0)
      (check-expect (rep->nat one) 1)
      (check-expect (rep->nat two) 2)
      (check-expect (rep->nat three) 3)
      (check-expect (rep->nat (λ (f) (λ (x) ((three f) ((two f) x))))) 5)

    If you have a repeater, all you can do is give it some inputs and see what it gives you back. So your task here is simply to devise some inputs that will force it to tell you which number it represents:

      ; rep->nat : Repeater -> Nat
      ; Discover how many times the given Repeater repeats its input
      (define (rep->nat rep)
        ((rep ?) ?))
  1. Design the function rep-add1 that increments a repeater by 1.

      (check-expect (rep->nat (rep-add1 zero)) 1)
      (check-expect (rep->nat (rep-add1 one)) 2)
      (check-expect (rep->nat (rep-add1 two)) 3)
  1. Design the function nat->rep : Nat -> Repeater that converts a natural number n to the repeater that repeats its input n times. Use the following data definition to process natural numbers recursively. (Start with the template…)

      ; A Nat (natural number) is one of:
      ;  - 0
      ;  - (add1 Nat)
      ; 0 predicate: zero?
      ; (add1 n) predicate: positive?
      ; (add1 n) accessor:  sub1
      (check-expect (rep->nat (nat->rep 0)) 0)
      (check-expect (rep->nat (nat->rep 3)) 3)
      (check-expect (rep->nat (nat->rep 6)) 6)

Repeaters give us an alternative representation of natural numbers—and the cool part is that we can build them using nothing more than λ. Can we also do arithmetic with them using nothing more than λ?

  1. Design the function rep+ that takes two repeaters and returns the repeater that represents their sum. Don't use rep->nat, nat->rep, or built-in arithmetic.
  1. Design the function rep* that takes two repeaters and returns the repeater that represents their product. (Again, no rep->nat, nat->rep, or built-in arithmetic.) Hint: It's shorter than rep+...
  1. Challenge: Design the function rep-expt that takes two repeaters and returns the repeater that represents their exponentiation: (rep-expt n m) = nm. (No rep->nat, nat->rep, or built-in arithmetic.) Hint: It's shorter than rep*...

A World of functions

Some basic setup:

  (require 2htdp/image)
  (require 2htdp/universe)

  (define width 400)
  (define height 400)

In this animation a World will be a list of balls, each of which will be able to move around independently.

  ; A World is a [listof Ball]

  ; A Ball is a (make-ball Posn Time [Time -> Posn])
  (define-struct ball (origin time path))

  ; A Time is a Number

Each Ball will follow its own path over time. The Ball's time tells it where along the path it currently is, and the path is drawn relative to the Ball's origin.

To get started, let's use a path that continually circles around the Ball's origin:

  ; circle-path : Time -> Posn
  ; As time increases, trace a circular path counter-clockwise.
  (define (circle-path t)
    (make-posn (* 20 (cos (* t 2 pi 1/25)))
               (* 20 (sin (* t 2 pi 1/25)))))

And here are two functions for manipulating Posns that might come in handy later:

  ; posn+ : Posn Posn -> Posn
  ; Offset one Posn by the position of another.
  (define (posn+ p q)
    (make-posn (+ (posn-x p) (posn-x q))
               (+ (posn-y p) (posn-y q))))

  ; posn* : Number Posn -> Posn
  ; Scale the distance of a Posn from the origin by a multiplier.
  (define (posn* a p)
    (make-posn (* a (posn-x p))
               (* a (posn-y p))))
  1. Design a tick-ball function that increments the current time of a Ball.
  1. Design a tick function that increments the current time of each Ball in the World. (Use a loop function.)
  1. Design a ball-current-posn function that computes the current position for the given Ball. Recall that the Posn returned by the Balls path should be interpreted as relative to the Ball's origin. (Hint: use posn+.)
  1. Design a draw-ball function that draws a Ball onto the given Scene at the Ball's current position.
  1. Design a draw function that renders a World as a Scene by drawing each Ball in its current position. (Use a loop function.)
  1. Design a mouse function that adds a new Ball to the World when the mouse is clicked. Place the Ball's origin at the location of the click. The Ball's path should be circular.

Kick off the animation. Each click should place a Ball that circles around its own origin.

  (big-bang empty
            (on-tick tick)
            (on-draw draw)
            (on-mouse mouse))

Now let's add behavior for keyboard events.

  1. Add keyboard controls so that the arrow keys move everything around by moving the origins of all the Balls currently on screen. To do this, first design a function adjust-origin that takes a Posn p and a Ball and returns a new Ball whose origin has been offset by p.
  1. Add keyboard controls to grow and shrink the radii of all the circular paths currently on screen. To do this, first design a function adjust-radius that takes a Number a and a Ball and returns a new Ball whose path is larger by a factor of a. That is, for each point in the path, its distance from the Ball's origin has been scaled by a factor of a.

    Hint: You should be able to do this simply by computing a new path from the Ball's current path… Use λ!

Try adding some Balls, adjusting their radii, and then adding some more…

  1. Challenge: Add keyboard controls to adjust the speed of all the Balls currently on screen. To do this, first design a function adjust-speed that takes a Number a and a Ball and returns a new Ball that moves a times as fast (or slow).

    Again, compute a new path from the Ball's current path with λ.

    Does your solution “skip”? Can you smooth it out?

If you have extra time, keep going. Add color, add more shapes, add more paths, …