- Work in pairs
- Change roles often!
- Follow the design recipe for every problem.
Abstraction Over Values
Sometimes when we solve problems, we find that the solution to one problem looks a lot like the solution to another one. Check out these functions and data definition: (from now on we will leave out the definition for lists, and use the
[listof X]
notation);; A [listof Number] is one of ;; -- empty ;; -- (cons Number [listof Number]) ;; lon-add2 : [listof Number] -> [listof Number] ;; Add two (2) to each element of the given list of numbers (define (lon-add2 lon) (cond [(empty? lon) empty] [else (cons (+ (first lon) 2) (lon-add2 (rest lon)))])) ;; lon-add5 : [listof Number] -> [listof Number] ;; Add five (5) to each element of the given list of numbers (define (lon-add5 lon) (cond [(empty? lon) empty] [else (cons (+ (first lon) 5) (lon-add5 (rest lon)))]))Is it clear what each function does? You are hopefully asking "Why would you do that?!" since they are almost exactly the same.
Exercise 1:
Write a function namedlon-add-n
that abstracts both of the functions above, taking an extra argument, which is the number to be added to each element.Note: Follow the recipe for abstraction...
Exercise 2:
Rewrite (recreate) bothlon-add2
using your more general function, and write a few tests for each to be sure they work as expected.Abstraction Over Functions
As you've seen in class, functions in DrRacket (as in many other nice programming languages) are considered data just like
Suppose we implemented this function:5
or(list 'hello)
. We can name them withdefine
s, return them from and pass them to other functions, and even store them in structures.;; lon-sub-n : [listof Number] Number -> [listof Number] ;; Subtract 'n' from each element of the given list of numbers (define (lon-sub-n lon n) ...)This looks like the function you just implemented right? Substitute
and they are actually the same. Substitution... Isn't that just what "plugging-in" does?Exercise 3:
If you were to abstract these two functions into a single, more general one, What would be its contract?
Be Precise... you will need another arrow (
) in it.Exercise 4:
Write the function, name itlon-do-n
, that abstracts both of the functions, taking an extra argument, which is the function to be applied to each element and the given number.Exercise 5:
Rewrite (or write) bothlon-add-n
using your more general function, and write a few tests for each to be sure they work as expected.More Abstraction
Important: Change your DrRacket language level to “Intermediate Student with lambda” (and there was much rejoicing...). If
isn't familiar then please review Section 18 of HtDP.Here's a function that returns a function:
;; add-n : ?? (define (add-n n) (local [(define (f m) (+ n m))] f))If you get confused by all the variable names, then run "Check Syntax" and use your mouse to see how all of them interact.
Exercise 6:
Fill in its contract and give it a meaningful purpose statement... again, you need another arrow, right?Exercise 7:
Write some tests for it. After you figure out the purpose, this should be easy.Hint: In order to test a function that returns a function, you will have to apply the result to something, e.g.:
((add-n 5) 7) ;; => 12If it makes you more comfortable, use a definition to name the function that is returned, then call that on an argument.Exercise 8:
Review DrRacket's built-in abstract functions here. Usemap
to rewritelon-add-n
from above (remember, subtraction is like adding a negative number, right?). Use yourcheck-expect
s from earlier to be sure your newly designed functions operate the same as before. Question: Do all the contracts match up accordingly?DrRacket's "loop" functions
Remember all that stuff we did with lists and structural recursion? Well, DrRacket has built-in functions to help us write functions that deal with lists. (See here.)
For the functions below, remember that DrRacket has the functions
built-in; both are(Number -> Boolean)
.Exercise 9:
Design a functionall-odd?
that takes a[listof Number]
and returnstrue
if all the numbers in the list are odd, andfalse
otherwise. Hint: useandmap
.Exercise 10:
Design the same function, call itall-odd-2?
, but useormap
this time. Hint: if all the numbers are odd, then none of them are even, right?Exercise 11:
Design the functionbetween
that takes two numbers (saylow
) and returns a list of all numbers fromlow
(inclusive). Usebuild-list
Hint: The first argument tobuild-list
is the length of the list that you want to build. The second argument is a function that takes an argument i and returns the item that you want to be at position i in the list (starting from 0!).Exercise 12:
Using your functionbetween
, design the functionevens
that takes two numbers, and returns a list of all the even numbers in that range. Usefilter
.Exercise 13:
, implement the functionsum
that computes the sum of all the elements in a list of numbers.Study this function definition:
;; minus-all : Number [listof Number] -> Number ;; Subtract all the numbers in the list from the given one (define (minus-all n lon) (foldl - n lon)) (minus-all 20 empty) ;==> 20 (minus-all 20 (list 5 2)) ;==> 13 (minus-all 20 (list 5 4 3 2 1)) ;==> 5Exercise 14:
Why doesn't this function work? Fix the function so that it produces the correct results. Hint: subtraction is not commutative... i.e., it is order dependent.Finally Something Fun...
Ok... now that we're through all that, we'll design some animation functions, and put them all together with the loop functions to get a fun little program.
Here's our world definitions:
(require 2htdp/image) (require 2htdp/universe) ;; **************************** ;; A World is a [listof Rect] ;; A Rect is: ;; (make-rect Posn Posn String) ;; where the first posn is the rect's current position, the second ;; is its velocity (speed in x and y) and the string is its color (define-struct rect (pnt vel color)) ;; Gravitational Acceleration (define G-ACCEL 2) ;; Width and Height of each rectangle (define RW 10) (define RH 10) ;; Width and Height of the Scene (define SW 400) (define SH 400)In other words, our world is a list of
(blocks). Each one knows where it is (pnt
), its velocity vector (vel
) and itscolor
.Exercise 15:
Design the functiongravity
([listof Rect] -> [listof Rect]
) that adds (remember Y is upside down on the screen) theG-ACCEL
constant to they
component of the velocity of each element of the World. Usemap
.Exercise 16:
Design the functionmove
([listof Rect] -> [listof Rect]
) that moves eachRect
one step in the direction it is headed. Usemap
Hint: (Xnew, Ynew) = (Xold + Xvel, Yold + Yvel)Exercise 17:
Design the functiononly-on-screen
([listof Rect] -> [listof Rect]
) that removes theRect
s that are not on the screen from the world. Usefilter
.Exercise 18:
Design the functiondraw
([listof Rect] -> Scene
) that draws all theRect
s into an empty-scene, size (SW
). Usefoldl
. Hint: Fill in the general contract offoldl
with specific "types" (Rect
), then design a local function to match.
Finally: Now, as a final step, use this code to finish off the World simulation. Drag your mouse on the screen to see what happens!!;; new-rect : Number Number -> Rect ;; Create a new Rect at the given point (define (new-rect x y) (make-rect (make-posn x y) (make-posn (- (random 14) 7) (- (random 10))) (cond [(= (random 2) 0) "red"] [else "orange"]))) ;; tick : World -> World ;; Make updates to the world... gravity, movement, and filter (define (tick lob) (only-on-screen (move (gravity lob)))) ;; mouse : World Number Number String -> World ;; On drag, create random Rects (define (mouse lob x y me) (cond [(string=? me "drag") (cons (new-rect x y) lob)] [else lob])) (big-bang empty (on-tick tick) (on-mouse mouse) (on-draw draw))If you finish early, try having the rectangles bounce when they reach the bottom, or when they collide with each other!