Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute. - SICP
Always code as if the person who ends up maintaining your code is a violent psychopath who knows where you live. -
Style is important! Programs wind up having remarkably long lifespans in practice. Sometimes they even outlive their creators. Over the course of its life a program will be modified, extended and repaired countless times by many different people. It is therefore important that we learn to write code that will be easily readable by other developers.
If you don't find that argument persuasive consider that even if your program is correct if a tutor can't figure out what it does then you won't get full credit for your work. (Similarly, you probably want to make your grader's life as easy as possible; they hold your grade in their hands after all.)
With that in mind let's look at some guidelines on how to write clear, readable code in Racket.
Consider the data definition for a Time:
;; A Time is (make-time Number Number)
(define-struct time (hours minutes))
Consider this program:
;; time->text : Time -> Image ;; Produce an image of the given time, as it appears on a digital clock.
(define(time->text a-time) (text(string-append(number->string(time-hours a-time))":"(cond[(< (time-minutes a-time)10)"0"] [else ""])(number->string(time-minutes a-time)))30'red))
clauses are there?string-append
?With this code, it is easy to see the three arguments to;; time->text : Time -> Image ;; Produce an image of the given time, as it appears on a digital clock.
(define (time->text a-time) (text (string-append (number->string (time-hours a-time)) ":" (cond [(< (time-minutes a-time) 10) "0"] [else ""]) (number->string (time-minutes a-time))) 30 'red))
, the four strings being appended, and the two cond
In general, try to break long lines by:
clause its own line.
(Always a good idea.)cond
question or answer is long, then
start the answer on the next line. (Often a good idea.)string-append
is a typical offender.)time->text
above, it's probably a good idea to factor out the
(string-append ..)
expression as a separate helper
Every line of code should be no more than 80 characters long. DrRacket can help you with this—can you find where it indicates the current column of the cursor?
by developing and using a
helper function that computes the (string-append ...)
portion of the body. Be
sure to invent a good name for this helper function.
Consider the following program:
This is not indented properly. Copy and paste this code into DrRacket. Then select “Reindent All” under the Racket menu. DrRacket will indent the code properly automatically!!;; count : LOS -> Number ;; Determine how many symbols are in a-los
(define (count a-los) (cond [(empty? a-los)0] [(cons? a-los) (+ 1 (count (rest a-los)))]))
Make good use of this feature as you develop your programs. Also note that the tab key can be used to automatically indent just the line that the cursor is on. Indentation is a very important factor of readability because it denotes the structure of the program at a glance. And we can't grade what we can't read!!
Note: When you use the “Reindent All” feature or the tab key, you may notice that the indentation sems wrong... this usually means that your program is mis-parenthesized. Move the cursor through your code and use the grey highlighting to be sure that your parentheses are matched as you intend. Let's reconsider count
from above. The
indentation is technically correct, but the parentheses are
arranged poorly:
;; count : LOS -> Number ;; Determine how many symbols are in a-los
(define (count a-los) (cond [(empty? a-los) 0 ] [(cons? a-los ) (+ 1 (count (rest a-los) ) ) ] ) )
A programmer who arranges their parentheses like this is probably trying to use the vertical alignment of the open and closing parentheses to visually determine the code structure. It is much easier to compress the closing parentheses together, and then eyeball the program structure using its indentation. When you need to match parentheses visually, use DrRacket's grey highlighting instead.
;; count : LOS -> Number ;; Determine how many symbols are in a-los (define (count a-los) (cond [(empty? a-los) 0] [(cons? a-los) (+ 1 (count (rest a-los)))]))
Proper indentation and parentheses placement render the parentheses and brackets nearly invisible to the trained eye.
Lots of finger exercises today; lists are important, and they should be second nature.
Consider the following definitions:
;; A LON (List of Numbers) is one of:
;; - empty
;; - (cons Number LON)
;; Examples:
(cons 1 (cons 2 empty))
(cons -3 (cons 3/4 (cons .2 empty)))
(cons 1 (cons 1
(cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 5
(cons 8 (cons 13 empty)))))))
, which consumes a list of numbers and
produces a number which is the sum of the numbers in the list.product
which consumes a list of numbers and
produces the product of all the numbers in the list.join-los
which consumes a list of strings and
produces a string which is the concatenation of each string in the
list. For example,
(define a-list-of-strings (cons "A" (cons "List" (cons "Of" (cons "Strings" empty))))) (check-expect (join-los a-list-of-strings)"AListOfStrings")
which consumes a list of
strings and produces a string which is the concatenation of the
strings in the list interspersed with a space (" "
For example:
(check-expect (join-los-with-space a-list-of-strings) "A List Of Strings "
which consumes a string
and a list of strings and behaves like join-los-with-space
except it uses the given string instead of a space. For example:
(check-expect (join-los-with-string "!!!" a-list-of-strings)Why might we say that"A!!!List!!!Of!!!Strings!!!"
) (check-expect (join-los-with-string " wheeeeeee " a-list-of-strings)"A wheeeeeee List wheeeeeee Of wheeeeeee Strings wheeeeeee "
) (check-expect (join-los-with-string " " a-list-of-strings)"A List Of Strings "
is "more powerful",
"more general", or "more flexible" than join-los
which consumes a list of
images and overlays them all on a red rectangle.Design a function that takes a list of stock trades and returns a list of the traded companies (that is, their stock symbols).;; A LOT (list of trades) is one of: ;; -- empty ;; -- (cons (make-stock-sale symbol number number) LOT) ;; -- (cons (make-stock-purchase symbol number number) LOT) (define-struct stock-sale (company shares price-per-share)) (define-struct stock-purchase (company shares price-per-share))
In the Days of Yore, an enterprising young person would be apprenticed to a master in a craft. He would learn all he could, and eventually be able to work on his own, attaining so-called "Journeyman" status. In many professions, an aspiring Journeyman would have to learn to construct the tools of his trade before he might be able to practice that trade.
For this exercise, we'll learn to build our new tools cons
, empty
, first
and rest
. By learning to
build them ourselves, we can be sure we know how they work when we use them
Consider the following structure definitions:
(define-struct empty-seq ()) (define-struct seq (hd tl))
;; A Seq (sequence) is one of ;; - (make-empty-seq) ;; - (make-seq Any Seq)
Now we can define our own implementation of lists,
using empty-seq
and seq
;; kons : Any Seq -> Seq
;; head : Seq -> Any
;; tail : Seq -> Seq
;; kons? : Seq -> Boolean
;; mpty? : Seq -> Boolean
Also, define a value mpty
which is the empty Seq.
None of these functions should be at all complicated.
If debugging is the process of removing bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in. - Edsger W. Dijkstra
;; only-evens : list-of-numbers -> list-of-numbers ;; to create a list containing only the even numbers in a-list-of-nums (define (only-evens a-list-of-nums) (cond [(empty? a-list-of-nums) 0] [(even? (first a-list-of-nums)) (cons (first a-list-of-nums) (only-evens (rest a-list-of-nums)))] [else (only-evens (rest a-list-of-nums))]))
There is a bug in the definition above. The first branch of
the cond
clause is violating the contract. 0
is a number, not a list of numbers. In its place we should be
using empty
. By carefully making sure each branch of
our cond
statements satisfy our contract we can avoid
such errors.
A contract is only as useful as the information it provides. If we fail to fully specify the kinds of data our functions consume and produce then we defeat the purpose of the contract. Consider the following example.
;; name->greeting : name -> greeting ;; to create a greeting from the provided name
It would make sense to assume that name and greeting are
. We could write the following function for the
(define (name->greeting name) (string-append "Hello, " name "!"))
But what if some other part of our program thought that name
was a structure, (define-struct name (first last))
, an
equally reasonable assumption? We can only avoid such errors by
providing data definitions for each kind of data our
functions consume and produce.
The following data definition clears up the ambiguity:
;; name->greeting : Name -> string ;; to create a greeting from the provided name ;; ;; A Name is (make-name String String) where the two strings are ;; the person's first and last names.
(define-struct name (first last))
;; a Dog is (define-struct dog (name age breed)) where name is a ;; string, age is a number and breed is a symbol
(define-struct dog (name age breed))
;; dogs-older-than : list-of-Dogs number -> list-of-Dogs ;; All the dogs older than the given age
(define (dogs-older-than dogs age) (cond [(empty? dogs) empty] [(> (dog-age (first dogs)) age) (cons (dog-name (first dogs)) (dogs-older-than (rest dogs) age))] [else (dogs-older-than (rest dogs) age)]))
;; numbers-between : list-of-numbers -> number-range
;; All the integers from the low number to the high number, inclusive. (define (numbers-between low high) (cond [(> low high) empty] [else (cons low (numbers-between (add1 low) high))]))
;; pairify : list-of-any -> list-of-list ;; to group the elements of the input list into a list of two-element lists
(define (pairify a-list) (cond [(or (empty? a-list) (empty? (rest a-list))) empty] [else (cons (cons (first a-list) (first (rest a-list))) (pairify (rest (rest a-list))))]))
We want you all to be able to write recursive functions as easily as
(cons 1 (cons 2 (cons
3 empty))))
, so we're going to practice.
In the exercises below, write each function from scratch.
that takes a positive number (n) and a string,
and returns a string that contains the given string
repeated n times, separated by a space.
(string-of 4 "Test") ;==> "Test Test Test Test" (string-of 2 "What") ;==> "What What"
that takes a number and a string,
and returns a list of strings. Each element of the list is the
string returned from string-of
with a reduced
(reducing 4 "Test") ;==> (cons "Test Test Test Test" ; (cons "Test Test Test" ; (cons "Test Test" ; (cons "Test" empty)))) (reducing 2 "What") ;==> (cons "What What" (cons "What" empty))
that takes a list of
Symbols los, and a number n, and returns the
nth symbol of the list.
(lookup (cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c (cons 'd empty)))) 0) ;==> 'a (lookup (cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c (cons 'd empty)))) 2) ;==> 'c
that takes a list of
Symbols los, a symbol s, and a number n. The
function returns los with the nth symbol replaced
with s.
(replace (cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c (cons 'd empty)))) 'new 2) ;==> (cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'new (cons 'd empty)))) (replace (cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c (cons 'd empty)))) 'yay 0) ;==> (cons 'yay (cons 'b (cons 'c (cons 'd empty)))) (replace (cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c (cons 'd empty)))) 'end 3) ;==> (cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c (cons 'end empty))))
Given two lists of strings, return a list of strings that contains all combinations of elements from the first list with elements from the second list.Let's call the function
. Here's an example:
How can we design such a function? Well, lets start with a smaller problem. How can we take a string s, and a list-of-strings los, and produce a list that contains the strings from los with s on the front? Call this helper function;; This call
(all-comb (cons "Student: " (cons "Faculty: " empty)) (cons "Mr." (cons "Ms." empty)));; Returns
(cons "Student: Mr." (cons "Student: Ms." (cons "Faculty: Mr." (cons "Faculty: Ms." empty))))
Here's an example of its behavior:
Now… how can you put the helper function to work to solve the entire problem? Ask a TA/Tutor if you need help. Hint: you can use the builtin function(all-comb-help "A" (cons "B" (cons "C" (cons "D" empty)))) ;==> (cons "AB" (cons "AC" (cons "AD" empty)))
(or define your own for practice), which appends two