NOTE: This assignment is due the Tuesday night, after the
This problem set continues the study of self-referential unions. Some
of the problems cover functions that process two arguments from
classes with complex (self-referential) data
definitions. You must follow the design recipe. The graders
will look for data definitions, contracts, purpose statements,
examples/tests, and properly organized function definitions. For the
latter, you must design templates. You do not need to include the
templates with your homework, however. If you do, comment them out.
Here is a data definition:
;; A family-tree-node is one of:
;; - empty
;; - (make-child father mother name date hair-color)
;; where father and mother are family-tree-nodes,
;; name and hair-color are symbols, and date is a number.
Use the above data definition to solve the following problems:
- Develop the function
that consumes a family-tree-node and a year and returns the number of people in the tree that were born that year or earlier.
- Develop the function
that consumes a family-tree-node and a number and produces a list of all of the people in the tree born in that year or earlier.
- Develop the function
that determines whether a family-tree-node contains an ancestor with red hair on the father's side and an ancestor with red hair on the mother's side.
- Develop the function
that consumes two family-tree-nodes and produces a family-tree-node that updates the father of the first tree to be the second tree.
XML is a modern language (really, a family of languages) for
encoding data. It uses "named parentheses" to group
structured data, and strings for everything else. [Well, it contains
a few more things than that, but this is good enough for now.] Here
is an example:
<p><b>Problem A1</b>:</p>
XML is a modern language (really, a
<i>family</i> of languages) for encoding
data. It uses "<i>named parentheses</i>" to
group structured data and strings for everything
else. [Well, it contains a few more things than that, but
this is good enough for now.] Here is an example:
<p> Yes, this example is weird, because it is
self-referential but, hey, you should be used to
this by now.
Yes, this example is weird, because it is self-referential but,
hey, you should be used to this by now.
You should have noticed that the example is not a complete
representation of Problem A1. It misses this paragraph and it misses
something in the middle. Nevertheless, it is a good example of the
kind of XML you will encounter in the real world.
There are many ways to represent XML data in DrRacket. Here is one of them:
;; An Xexpr is one of:
;; - (cons Symbol LoXexpr)
;; - String
;; An LoXexpr is one of:
;; - empty
;; - (cons Xexpr LoXexpr)
Interpretation: An Xexpr
represents a bracketed pair of
"named parentheses" and whatever is in between, e.g.,
hello <em>world </em>
(cons 'p
(cons "hello "
(cons (cons 'em (cons "world " empty))
Or equivalently...
(list 'p "hello " (list 'em "world "))
See DrRacket
documentation or the
introduction to the list
(Yes, S-expressions are more compact than XML and 50 years older than XML,
but people don't like parentheses. They're so ugly and unreadable...)
In this context solve the following problems:
- Translate the XML example from above into an Xexpr.
- Design a function that counts the number of symbols in
an Xexpr.
- Design a function that counts the number of characters in an