Syntax for the SIMPLE language

Program ::= DefinitionExpression a-program (defns exp1)
Definition ::= define Identifier = proc ( Identifier ) Expression proc-definition (id bvars body)
Expression ::= Number const-exp (num)
::= Identifier var-exp (var)
::= Binop(Expression , Expression) binop-exp (op exp1 exp2)
::= if Expression then Expression else Expression if-exp (exp1 exp2 exp3)
::= (Expression Expression) call-exp (rator rands)
Binop ::= + op-plus ()
::= - op-minus ()
::= * op-times ()
::= < op-less()
::= = op-equal ()
::= > op-greater ()

Typing Rules for SIMPLE

tenv0 = [true : bool, false : bool, x : int]

dom(tenv) = dom(tenv0) ∪ { f1, …, fn }
tenv(f1) = (τ11 × … × τk1τ1)
tenv(fn) = (τ1n × … × τknτn)
(type-of body1 [x11:τ11, …, xk1:τk1]tenv) = τ1
(type-of bodyn [x1n:τ1n, …, xkn:τkn]tenv) = τn
(type-of exp tenv) = τ
(type-of  «define f1 = proc (x11xk1) body1
           define fn = proc (x1nxkn) bodyn

    = τ

(type-of (const-exp num) tenv) = int

(type-of (var-exp var) tenv) = tenv(var)

op : (τ1 × τ2τ)
(type-of exp1 tenv) = τ1
(type-of exp2 tenv) = τ2
(type-of (binop-exp op exp1 exp2) tenv) = τ

(type-of exp1 tenv) = bool
(type-of exp2 tenv) = τ
(type-of exp3 tenv) = τ
(type-of (if-exp exp1 exp2 exp3) tenv) = τ

(type-of exp0 tenv) = (τ1 × … × τnτ)
(type-of exp1 tenv) = τ1
(type-of expn tenv) = τn
(type-of (call-exp exp0 [exp1expn]) tenv) = τ

Types of Binary Operations

+ : (int × int → int)
- : (int × int → int)
* : (int × int → int)
< : (int × int → bool)
= : (int × int → bool)
> : (int × int → bool)

Example of a SIMPLE Program

        define search = proc (x f i j)
                          if >(i,j)
                             then -1
                             else if =(x,(f i))
                                     then i
                                     else (search x f +(i,1) j)
        define g = proc (square x a b c)
                     +(*(a,(square x)),+(*(b,x),c))
        define square = proc (x) *(x,x)
        define h = proc (x) (g square x 5 -13 7)
        (search 1231 h 0 25)

Last updated 23 April 2008.

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