Guided Practice 11.2 - Solution

The question was:

In flashing-balls.rkt, the code for add-to-scene in FlashingBall% duplicates some of the code for add-to-scene in Ball%. Eliminate this by using super.


There are a number of ways to do this. Here's how I did it:

  1. In Ball%, make add-to-scene look at a field called 'color' instead of referring to the constant "red".
        (field [color "red"])
        (define/public (add-to-scene s)
           (circle radius 
                   (if selected? "solid" "outline")
                   color)      ;;; <---- changed line
           x y s))
  2. In FlashingBall%, inherit the field 'color.' Then have change-colors update the color field, and have add-to-scene call super instead of duplicating the code from the superclass:
        (inherit-field color)
        ;; -> Void
        ;; EFFECT: rotate the list of colors, and reset time-left
        (define (change-colors)
          (set! colors (append (rest colors) (list (first colors))))
          ;; put desired color into 'color' field
          (set! color (first colors))    ; <--- new line
          (set! time-left color-change-interval))
        ;; Scene -> Scene
        ;; RETURNS: a scene like the given one, but with the flashing ball
        ;; painted on it.
        ;; EFFECT: decrements time-left and changes colors if necessary
        (define/override (add-to-scene s)
            (if (zero? time-left)
              (set! time-left (- time-left 1)))
            ;; (place-image
            ;;   (circle radius
            ;;     (if selected? "solid" "outline")
            ;;     (first colors))
            ;;   x y s)
            (super add-to-scene s)   ; <-- call to super replaces
                                     ;     duplicated code

Last modified: Wed Nov 18 15:03:03 Eastern Standard Time 2015