Guided Practice 12.1 - Solution

The question was:

Consider the following set of class definitions and object definitions:

(define Class1%
  (class* object% ()
    (init-field a)
    (field [c (+ a 5)])

    ;; Number -> Number
    (define/public (m1 x)
      (if (>= x 106) x
        (send this m2 (- x a))))
    ;; Number -> Number
    (define/public (m2 x) (+ x c))


(define Class2%
  (class* Class1% ()
    (inherit-field a c)
    (init-field b)

    (super-new [a (+ b 1)])

    ;; Number -> Number
    (define/override (m1 x) (- x c))

(define Class3%
  (class* Class1% ()
    (inherit-field a c)

    ;; Number -> Number
    (define/override (m2 x) (send this m1 (+ x c)))


(define Class4%
  (class* Class2% ()
    (inherit-field a c)
    (define/override (m2 x) (+ x c)) ))

(define obj1 (new Class1% [a 10]))
(define obj2 (new Class2% [b 20]))
(define obj3 (new Class3% [a 30]))
(define obj4 (new Class4% [b 40]))

Without running the program, determine the value of each pair of method calls below.

1. (send obj1 m1 100) and (send obj1 m2 100)

a)	105 and 115
b)	105 and 130
c)	110 and 115

Correct Answer:  a) 105 and 115

Feedback: (new Class1% [a 10]) builds an object of class Class1% with
fields a = 10 and c = 15.  this refers to obj1. Then  

(send obj1 m1 100) 
= (send this m2 (- 100 10))
= (send obj1 m2 90)
= (+ 90 15)
= 105

(send obj1 m2 100)
= (+ 100 15)
= 115

2. (send obj2 m1 100) and (send obj2 m2 100)

a)	54 and 74
b)	74 and 126
c)	126 and 146

Correct Answer: b) 74 and 126

Feedback: (new Class2% [b 20]) builds an object of class Class2% with
b = 20, a = 21 (bound in the invocation of super-new), and c =
26. this refers to obj2.  obj2's m1 method is the one defined in
Class2%, but its m2 method is inherited from its parent Class1%.  So

(send obj2 m1 100)
= (- x c)
= (- 100 26)
= 74

(send obj2 m2 100)
= (+ x c)
= (+ 100 26)
= 126

3. (send obj3 m1 100) and (send obj3 m2 100)

a)	110 and 126
b)	105 and 130
c)	110 and 130

Correct Answer: c) 110 and 130

Feedback: (new Class3% [a 30]) builds an object of class Class3%, with
a = 30 and c = 35.  Class3%'s m1 method is that of Class1%, but its m2
method is the one defined in Class3%.  So 

(send obj3 m1 100)
= (send this m2 (- 100 30))
= (send obj3 m2 70)
= (send this m1 (+ 70 35))
= (send obj3 m1 110)
= 110  

4. (send obj4 m1 100) and (send obj4 m2 100)

a)	105 and 146
b)	54 and 146
c)	115 and 146

Correct Answer:  b) 54 and 146.

Feedback: (new Class4% [b 40]) builds an object of class Class4%, with
b = 40, a = 41 [initialized in Class2%], and c = 46 [initialized in
Class1%].   Class4%'s m1 method is inherited from Class2%, and its m2
method is the one defined in Class4%.  So 

(send obj4 m1 100) 
= (- 100 46)
= 54

(send obj4 m2 100)
= (+ 100 46)
= 146

Last modified: Wed Nov 19 15:38:35 Eastern Standard Time 2014