Computer Graphics (CS 4300) 2010S: Schedule

This schedule gives the topics planned for each lecture. It also shows homework due dates, exams, and readings. Unless otherwise specified, readings are sections in the course text, and should be completed before coming to the corresponding lecture. (The text at the very beginning of chapter i is referred to below as i.0.)

This schedule is subject to change. Hit “reload” to be sure you’re seeing the most recent revision (the timestamp of the revision you’re looking at is shown at the bottom of the page). We will make a best effort to ensure that the schedule is accurate both historically and for one week in the future. Anything scheduled for more than a week in the future is only an estimate (this also holds for things not listed; just because readings are not yet shown for classes two weeks from now does not mean there will be no readings :-).

Week 1: January 11 - 15

Mon HW0 out course homepage and all course documents, 1.0–1.7

brief history of computer graphics; course overview

Wed HW0 due, HW1 out 2.0, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4.0–2.4.4

floating point math, vectors, vector algebra

Thu 2.4.5–2.4.8

coordinate frames; segments and rays in 2D, segment intersection

Week 2: January 18 - 22

Mon no class

MLK day

Wed HW1 due “Implicit 2D lines” in 2.5.2, 3.0–3.3

lines in 2D; “triangle asteroids” example; output devices

Thu HW2 and HW3 out 8.1.1

rasterizing line segments; line attributes

Week 3: January 25 - 29

Mon 22.0–22.2.3, Wikipedia entries for RGB and HSV, 9.0–9.1, 8.3

concept of sampling; antialiasing; color perception; color spaces

Wed 3.4, 9.3.1, 9.4.3, Wikipedia entries for JPEG and PNG

image compression; alpha blending; image scaling

Thu 19

graphical user interfaces; event-driven programming; user interaction

Week 4: February 1 - 5

Mon SVG fill rules, Triangulation by Ear Clipping (D. Eberly)

rectangles and polygons in 2D; tessellation

Wed HW2 due 12.0–12.1.3, 2.7.0–2.7.1, 8.1.2

triangle meshes; barycentric coordinates; rasterizing triangles


triangle meshes; barycentric coordinates; rasterizing triangles continued

Week 5: February 8 - 12

Mon 5.2, 6.0–6.1.5, 6.3–6.5, 12.2

rigid and non-rigid transformations in 2D; homogeneous coordinates; scene graphs

Wed snow day!


Thu 2.5.1, 2.5.6, 15.0–15.3.2

implicit and parametric curves in 2D; local curve properties

Week 6: February 15 - 19

Mon no class

President’s day

Wed 15.3.3–15.5.3

piecewise polynomial curves in 2D; interpolating curves and splines


piecewise polynomial curves in 2D; interpolating curves and splines continued

Week 7: February 22 - 26

Mon 15.6.0–15.6.1

Bézier curves in 2D and the de Casteljau algorithm

Wed 17.0–17.2.1

pose interpolation in 2D; keyframe animation; navigating in 2D

Thu HW3 due

review for exam 1

Week 8: March 1 - 5

Mon no class

spring break

Wed no class

spring break

Thu no class

spring break

Week 9: March 8 - 12

Mon exam 1


Wed HW4 out 6.2.0–6.2.2, 17.2.2

homogeneous transforms in 3D; rotation in 3D


project presentations

Week 10: March 15 - 19


homogeneous transforms in 3D; rotation in 3D continued

Wed 2.5.3–2.5.5, 2.5.7–2.5.8, 2.7.2, 4.4.0–4.4.3

curves and surfaces in 3D; 3D ray intersection with sphere, plane, and triangle


project presentations

Week 11: March 22 - 26


curves and surfaces in 3D; 3D ray intersection with sphere, plane, and triangle continued

Wed HW4 due 4.2, 7

viewpoint transformation; parallel and perspective projection; navigating in 3D

Thu HW5 out 8.2.0–8.2.3, 18.0–18.3.0

painter’s algorithm; z-buffer hidden surface removal; 3D rasterization pipelines

Week 12: March 29 - April 2

Mon 8.1.3–8.1.6, 8.4, 12.3.1

bounding volumes and picking in 3D; culling and clipping in 3D

Wed HW5 due

bounding volumes and picking in 3D; culling and clipping in 3D continued

Thu 4.5, 8.2.4–8.2.7, 10, 12.1.4

lighting, material properties, and surface shading

Week 13: April 5 - 9

Mon HW6 out 4, 13

ray tracing


ray tracing continued


ray tracing continued

Week 14: April 12 - 16

Mon 11, Wikipedia entry for texture filtering

texture mapping

Wed Wikipedia entries for shadow mapping and environment mapping

texture mapping continued


review for exam 2

Week 15: April 19 - 23

Mon HW6 due no class

Patriots’ day

Wed exam 2