Office Hours/Contact
Weekly calendar
Below is a calendar of all office hours that the course staff offer. If you would like to speak to a staff member and you cannot make it to their office hours, send an email to set up a meeting. If you have a general question and cannot make it to anyone’s office hours, post to Piazza (see below).
Staff members will have the same office hours every week. Should there be a change to someone’s hours, there will be a post on Piazza, and the calendar will be updated.
COVID-19: All office hours will be held online this semester, via Microsoft Teams. Before you can "enter" an office hour with a particular staff member, you need to line up in a virtual queue, just as you would line up in a physical queue in front of an office. For the virtual queuing, we are going to use a queuing website built recently by Khoury College students, available here. A short tutorial on how to use the site can be found here. If you cannot get the site to work for you, sign in to Teams and mention the tutor or TA in the General channel of your lab Team. They should be notified, and will hopefully get to you quickly.
Piazza is an on-line forum for class discussions as well as announcements. Anybody can post a question, and anybody can reply. You are expected to read Piazza announcements from the course staff. Announcements are generally made only through Piazza (although crucial ones may be accompanied by an email). By default, your personal Piazza email settings apply (which you can configure by clicking the wheel in the upper right corner).
To sign up for Piazza, click the link above.
Before posting, check whether your question has already been asked. If so but it has not yet been answered and it is not more than a day old, it will likely be answered soon. Avoid double-posting.
Posting (any parts of) a solution to (any parts of) a homework is tantamount to cheating. Limit your answers to other students to providing clarity when needed, and hints when appropriate. This is good practice should you ever want to be a tutor!
Note: Anonymity on Piazza means you are anonymous to other students but not to staff members.
- your instructors
- your course coordinator
Nicole Brewer
email your teaching assistants
David Stephenson
Jake Hansen
Jenn Der
Nick Thompson
Noble Mushtak
Sabrina Zhang
emailTAs teach labs, supervise the grading of homework sets, hold office hours, and grade exams. In general, they are apprentice teachers and are here to learn how to run a course.
your tutors
Abijit Rangesh
Anurag Arasan
Daisy Kucharski
Eleanor Adams
Harris Bubalo
Harsh Sethia
Hunter Rudnet
Isaac Walker
Jamie Lin
Jessica Sokal
Jia Mu
Jose Sulaiman Manzur
Karli Young
Logen Witz
Xuyang li
Yasmin Zhamborova
Yogesh Nizzer
Justin Kwon
Neel Bhalla
Nicholas Miklaucic
Nicole Gerzon
Ryan Dombroski
Ryan Gehrlein
Tanya Kler
Thanoshi Balasuriya
emailTutors hold office hours, help out in labs, and grade homeworks and provide feedback about the class’s progress. In general, they are undergraduate and graduate students who know that to learn something really well, you need to teach it.
your graders
Anna Yang
Ayush Shenvi Pissurlenkar
Chengyi Kuang
emailGraders are staff members who exclusively grade homeworks. You won’t find them in office hours but can always reach out via email to ask questions about their feedback.
When you need help with the lecture material, the lab material, or the
homeworks, don’t despair—
A meeting with a tutor, TA, or instructor is the best to get explanations because you can ask questions in real time and get answers to them. Try office hours.
If you have a question that you prefer to ask in a non-public setting, again try (the instructors’) office hours, or send email to anybody on the course staff.
Note that we may post anonymous excerpts from your email message on Piazza if we believe it is of general interest. If you want the message to remain completely private, be sure to request so when you send your message.