
time to wake up

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Please see the main page for Fundamentals I.

Outside Resources

There is a series of YouTube videos by John Clements based on the first part of our curriculum. They are available here. These may be particularly useful in the first week or so, when you are still getting used to the syntax of BSL and the use of DrRacket. Please note that these videos are based off an older version of the course so they may contain some terminology that we no longer use. In addition, John is using a version of DrRacket which is about 8 years out of date, so please be careful if you are using this as a reference.

Professor Mitch Wand also created a series of YouTube videos based on our curriculum. They are available here. Again, these videos are from about 5 years ago, so please be careful using them as a reference. The general concepts are the same, but certain functions may have been changed slightly in later versions of DrRacket.