On this page:
Generative Recursion (20 minutes)
Gaussian Elimination (80 minutes)

Lab 10 Generative Recursion

home work!

Purpose: This lab is an introduction to generative recursion.

Textbook References: Chapter 25: Non-Standard Recursion, Chapter 26: Designing Algorithms

Generative Recursion (20 minutes)

Sample Problem Design the function power, which computes the first number to the power of the second number using multiplication.

; power : Nat Nat -> Nat
; Compute n^m using '*'
(check-expect (power 2 5) 32)
(check-expect (power 3 2) 9)
(define (power n m)
  (cond [(zero? m) 1]
        [else (* n (power n (sub1 m)))]))

Sample Problem Design power-fast which uses a method of repeated squaring to calculate the answer to the same problem. The basic rules of repeated squaring are:

  • X2Y = (XY)*(XY)

  • X2Y+1 = X*(X2Y)

; power-fast : Nat Nat -> Nat
; Compute n^m using rules of repeated squaring
(check-expect (power-fast 2 5) 32)
(check-expect (power-fast 3 2) 9)
(define (power-fast n m)
  (cond [(zero? m) 1]
        [(zero? (modulo m 2))
         (local [(define halfpower (power-fast n (/ m 2)))]
           (* halfpower halfpower))]
        [else (* n (power-fast n (sub1 m)))]))

Here’s a bit of code that turns a single digit number into a single character string:
; digit->string : Nat -> String
; Turn a single digit number into a single char string
(check-expect (digit->string 5) "5")
(check-expect (digit->string 0) "0")
(define (digit->string n)
  (string (integer->char (+ 48 n))))

Exercise 1 Design the function num->string that returns the string representation of a natural number. What is the base case for this function? What can we do to get from one digit to the next? Here are some tests for num->string:

(check-expect (num->string 0) "0")
(check-expect (num->string 5) "5")
(check-expect (num->string 1234) "1234")
(check-expect (num->string 4321) "4321")

Gaussian Elimination (80 minutes)

For the next part of the lab please work through 28.3, a project on Gaussian elimination.