On this page:
See Blog
Office Hours
Email Addresses

Office Hours, EMail

send email

When you need help with the lecture material, the lab material, or the problem sets, don’t despair—there are plenty of ways to get help. First, you should look at the “course blog” because someone else may have run into the problem and the answer could be posted there. Second, we offer a large number of office hours: instructors, TAs, and tutors. Third, if you can’t find the answer on the “blog” and nobody is running an office hour and you need the answer now, send email (that’s like texting but you get to write full sentences with question marks and real punctuation—that’s the "." "," "!" "?" thingies on your keyboard).

See Blog

You must read the “class blog” on a daily basis—we will use it to notify you of things that need timely dissemination.

Office Hours

Here is a listing of all the office hours that the course staff offers. If you would like to speak to an instructor and you cannot make it to his or her office hours, send email and set up a meeting.






Leena Razzaq


Mon&Wed 11am-noon



Leena Razzaq


Mon&Wed 11am-noon



Nat Tuck


Mon 3-4pm


WVH 314

Nat Tuck


Mon 3-4pm


WVH 314

Olin Shivers


W 1pm-2pm



Calvin Pomerantz


Mon/Tue 3-5pm


WVH 3rd floor

Paul Stansifer


Wed 4-6pm


WVH 3rd floor

Emily Hontoria


Sat noon-2pm / Thu 4-6pm


WVH 3rd floor

Ashley Sullivan


Tue noon-2pm / Wed 5-7


WVH 3rd floor

Paul Stansifer


Wed 4-6pm


WVH 3rd floor

Paul Stansifer


Wed 4-6pm


WVH 3rd floor

Nathan Lilienthal


Wed noon-2pm / Mon 5-7pm


WVH 3rd floor

Mitchell McLean


Mon/Thu noon-2pm


WVH 3rd floor

Anh Tran


Wed 11am-1pm


WVH 3rd floor

Catherine McLean


Tue 8-10pm / Thu 6:30-8:30pm


WVH 3rd floor

Kevin Allen


Sat 3-5pm


WVH 102, desk

Spencer Aronstein


Thu 4-6pm


WVH 102, desk

Preston Carpenter


Thu 10am-noon


WVH 102, desk

Jack Frysinger


Wed 3-5pm


WVH 102, desk

Alex Grundwerg


Sun 1-3pm


WVH 102, desk

William Guo


Mon 5-7pm


WVH 102, desk

Sydney Hubbell


Thu 2-4pm


WVH 102, desk

Claire Illich


Sun 7-9pm


WVH 102, desk

Adrian Kant


Wed 1-3pm


WVH 102, desk

Michael Kim


Fri 1-3pm


WVH 102, desk

Zachary Lowen


Fri 10am-noon


WVH 102, desk

Zeina Mahmoud


Sat 5-7pm


WVH 102, desk

Caitlin Matuszak


Mon 1:30-3:30pm


WVH 102, desk

Kirk Morgan


Tue 5-7pm


WVH 102, desk

Marina Moskowitz


Sun 4-6pm


WVH 102, desk

Ameen Radwan


Thu 7-9pm


WVH 102, desk

Dorothy Richardson


Mon 11am-1pm


WVH 102, desk

Alexandra Rudyakov


Wed 7-9pm


WVH 102, desk

Katelyn Salvatori


Wed 7-9pm


WVH 102, desk

Yuval Shatil


Thu 5-7pm


WVH 102, desk

Peyton Tiroff


Wed 5-7pm


WVH 102, desk

Claudia Ioana Vilcu


Wed 3-5pm


WVH 102, desk

Bryan Wehner


Fri 3:30-5:30pm


WVH 102, desk

Connor Yu


Thu/Fri noon-1pm


WVH 102, desk

Charles Zheng


Sun 2-4pm


WVH 102, desk

Michael Lucas


Thu 11-1


WVH 102, desk

Email Addresses

You may send Email to individuals on the teaching staff of the course. Note that we may post your mail message on the course blog if we think it is of general interest to the rest of the class, so if you want to ensure privacy, be sure to request it when you write us.




Leena Razzaq


lrazzaq at ccs.neu.edu

Leena Razzaq


lrazzaq at ccs.neu.edu

Nat Tuck


ntuck at ccs.neu.edu

Nat Tuck


ntuck at ccs.neu.edu

Olin Shivers


shivers at ccs.neu.edu

Calvin Pomerantz


calvin at ccs.neu.edu

Paul Stansifer


pauls at ccs.neu.edu

Emily Hontoria


hontoria at ccs.neu.edu

Ashley Sullivan


sonata at ccs.neu.edu

Paul Stansifer


pauls at ccs.neu.edu

Paul Stansifer


pauls at ccs.neu.edu

Nathan Lilienthal


nathanl at ccs.neu.edu

Mitchell McLean


mmclean at ccs.neu.edu

Anh Tran


panhtran249 at gmail.com

Catherine McLean


cmclean at ccs.neu.edu

Kevin Allen


allen.kev at husky.neu.edu

Spencer Aronstein


spencera at ccs.neu.edu

Preston Carpenter


pcarp at ccs.neu.edu

Jack Frysinger


jcf0810 at ccs.neu.edu

Alex Grundwerg


agrundw at ccs.neu.edu

William Guo


isignisi at ccs.neu.edu

Sydney Hubbell


hubbesy at ccs.neu.edu

Claire Illich


cillich at ccs.neu.edu

Adrian Kant


kanta at ccs.neu.edu

Michael Kim


kim.michae at husky.neu.edu

Zachary Lowen


zlowen at ccs.neu.edu

Zeina Mahmoud


zeina at ccs.neu.edu

Caitlin Matuszak


matuszak.c at husky.neu.edu

Kirk Morgan


captaink at ccs.neu.edu

Marina Moskowitz


marinam at ccs.neu.edu

Ameen Radwan


aradwan at ccs.neu.edu

Dorothy Richardson


drt08533 at ccs.neu.edu

Alexandra Rudyakov


supertur at ccs.neu.edu

Katelyn Salvatori


katelyns at ccs.neu.edu

Yuval Shatil


shatil.y at husky.neu.edu

Peyton Tiroff


tiroffp at ccs.neu.edu

Claudia Ioana Vilcu


vilcu.c at husky.neu.edu

Bryan Wehner


wehner.b at husky.neu.edu

Connor Yu


Yu.con at husky.neu.edu

Charles Zheng


charlesz at ccs.neu.edu

Michael Lucas


lucas.mic at husky.neu.edu