Week 5 Set b

home work!

Programming Language BSL+

Due Date Wed at 9:00pm (Week 5)

Purpose The purpose of this problem set is to practice the design of a complete program whose data representation requires list processing.

Finger Exercises

Exercise 1 Design the function biggest-sum. It consumes a non-empty list of Posns and produces the 0-based index (N) of the Posn whose sum of coordinates is largest. If there is more than one Posn that has a largest sum, the function returns the index of the first (leftmost) Posn.

Graded Exercises

Exercise 2 Your software architect has approved your wish list from exercise 3, Week 5 Set a.

In case you have any doubts about your wish list, see a member of the staff during office hours and walk through at least one wish (name, signature, purpose, examples/tests). You must come as a pair.

Revise your existing functions. Add additional helper functions as needed.